And Now, a Word from Sarah Palin’s Uterus

by Little Miss Attila on November 20, 2009

. . . which has finally decided to speak out:

“Powerful Sexual Signals???”
Or just irresistible tractor beams emanating from Me?

You know, I’m getting just a bit tired of this.

I do all the hard work, she gets all the credit. If these people would just keep their tinfoil hats on, they’d be safe. After all, I’m a one-man woman.

As long as Andrew loves me, I’m good.

Posted by Sarah Palin’s Uterus at 12:11 AM

Poor lonely uterus. I don’t know how it would soldier on without Andrew Sullivan.

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Sarah Palin's Uterus November 20, 2009 at 3:17 pm

I keep asking Trig to move back in. But according to Andrew, his mother needs him as a prop.

As a gay man, Sully is of course the expert on all things material. I get all tingly just thinking about his awesome gynecological acumen.


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