Ellie Light and Her Brothers-in-Arms

by Little Miss Attila on January 25, 2010

Glenn has a roundup of All Things Ellie-Related.

Also, there was an interesting discussion yesterday at Althouse’s digs about why someone would bother to change his or her address so many times, and yet use the same letter text, and the identical name.

I’ll believe she’s a real person when she has a reporter over to one of her many residences.

UPDATE, 5:48 a.m. Ellie herself responds in my comments section:

Well, Actually, I am a real person, and I’m right here. It’s been suggested that I, Ellie Light, am Michelle Obama, or the Award-winning author Samantha Powers, and not to be outdone, the Michelle Bachmann people figure that I am “NONE OTHER THAN THE POTUS HIMSELF.” Someone found an Ellie Light on Facebook, a woman married to a software designer, and decided that had to be significant somehow. Another blog moderator drew a connection between one of my responses and the name “Winston,” and decided I was part of a PR firm named “Winston Group.” And in a bit of hagiography worthy of Talmudic scholars, a reader noted that my letter’s reference to “Candidate Obama,” sounded similar to “Comrade Obama,” and thus, betrayed the President’s Marxist-Leninist origins. Another astute observer noticed my British spelling of the world “realise,” and reported this straightaway to a senior moderator, who congratulated her for her fine detective work. A grammar-aware sleuth, armed with my mix-up of their/there and let’s/lets, went in search of clues. She returned with a whole trove of letters supposedly written by me, published online in Baltimore. Of course, all your blogs contain the usual references to Axelrod and Plouffe implying that the President’s closest advisors sit up nights furiously scribbling pro-Obama missives, and sending them to anyone who might read them. Apparently, no one thought to ask that if All the President’s Men really were to embark on such a scheme to fake a groundswell of Obama-support, why in the world would they sign each letter with the same name?

Alright, then. Take a deep breath and accept that you’ve all been a bit silly. Let’s imagine a much more plausible scenario. Frustrated Obama-supporter writes letter to some blogs, asking why are we so harsh on our new President? Ben Stein [Ben Smith –ed.] picks up my letter, and even pays me a backhanded compliment in the process (check out the chronology of submissions. They match this). Star-struck girl sees letter in print, accompanied by angry comments from dozens of frothing Tea-partiers. She decides that perhaps she’s quite brilliant after all, and sends her letter around to a few more papers. Voila! The letters are printed, and Ellie’s friends (my friends), all remark that they never get their letters published, and what’s so special about Ellie’s letters. So Ellie, feeling smug and superior, indulges in a bit more self-validation, and submits her letter again…. and again! Then one fateful day, Ms. Eaton from the Cleveland Plain Dealer does her Google search, and a conspiracy theory is born!

Now, I know you guys are almost as big on conspiracy theories as my FEMA-hating lefty pals, and are not about to just let something this juicy go away, especially since the more fanciful theories about me are sending Tea-blog readership through the roof. The guy over at Left-Coast Something-Something flat out says that he’s never been onto anything so big. He couldn’t hide is excitement. I mean, how often do you people find someone new to hate? I’m sure its exhilarating. So why didn’t I lie low and be happy that you guys are spinning your wheels so fruitlessly? Because part of me just can’t resist clearing the air. Part of me hates to see anyone, even political opponents, carrying on in such a brainless, ridiculous pastime.

UPDATE II: Well, it’s definitely the real Ellie, since her comment here is a cut-and-paste of the one she left at Amy Kane’s blog this morning.

UPDATE III: Patrick’s got the Master Guide Pro-Obama astrotuf, right here.

UPDATE IV: Ed’s been hearing from Ellie all along; they are practically pen pals. He opens the books on the IP she used with him—as well as assorted other tracking tools—and I gather that he and Patrick are coordinating. Patterico has already confirmed that the IP used for the Amy Kane comment matches the one used here. If anyone else needs to know that IP, or any of the other data that WP collects from my commenters, LMK.

UPDATE V: Jennifer’s trying to see if any of the White House Press Corps are interested in pursuing this; so far, no takers.

UPDATE VI: Verum Serum is local to Huntington Beach, or perhaps Long Beach—close to where the elusive Ms. Light lives, if she exists at all. He is willing to interview her in a way such that she preserves her anonymity. I would totally go for it, if I were her. And existed.

UPDATE VII: Ah-ha! That girl does get around:

Newest Ellie Light Posting

Crab Nebula Post-Gazette
“A year ago, if we’d read that the Zron had ceased disintegrating our elderly, that the Ammonia Sea was drying up, or that outer space was warm and toasty we’d have known we were being lied to. We knew the problems this Earthling Obama inherited wouldn’t go away in a single solar turn.

Earthling Candidate Obama clearly said an economy that took eight years to break couldn’t be fixed in a year, anymore than you could repair an Omnaricon hyperdrive once the fusion core baffle had melted.

Read the whole thing.

{ 10 trackbacks }

How To Get Those Sweet Federal Blog-O-Bucks
January 25, 2010 at 6:16 am
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Ellie Light speaks … and speaks … and speaks ….
January 25, 2010 at 8:53 am
Is Recent Astroturf Campaign Part of Dept of Justice Propaganda Unit? « Nice Deb
January 25, 2010 at 11:26 am
Photo proof Ellie Light is real — AND, she’s written to Little Miss Attila — Cynthia Yockey, A Conservative Lesbian
January 25, 2010 at 12:05 pm
Sockpuppets Confused About Astroturf « his vorpal sword
January 25, 2010 at 2:21 pm
dustbury.com » Surf and astroturf
January 25, 2010 at 8:11 pm
Twitter Trackbacks for Ellie Light and Her Brothers-in-Arms | Little Miss Attila [littlemissattila.com] on Topsy.com
January 26, 2010 at 1:18 am
FMJRA 1/30/2010 - « A Conservative Shemale
January 30, 2010 at 6:53 am
Ellie Light and Her Brothers-in-Arms « ~ THE GUNNY "G" BLOGS ONLINE ~ NEWS, VIEWS, BS, and…The BIZARRE!
January 30, 2010 at 1:06 pm
As with the JFK Assassination…
April 30, 2010 at 6:48 am

{ 21 comments… read them below or add one }

Ellie Light January 25, 2010 at 5:36 am

Well, Actually, I am a real person, and I’m right here. It’s been suggested that I, Ellie Light, am Michelle Obama, or the Award-winning author Samantha Powers, and not to be outdone, the Michelle Bachmann people figure that I am “NONE OTHER THAN THE POTUS HIMSELF.” Someone found an Ellie Light on Facebook, a woman married to a software designer, and decided that had to be significant somehow. Another blog moderator drew a connection between one of my responses and the name “Winston,” and decided I was part of a PR firm named “Winston Group.” And in a bit of hagiography worthy of Talmudic scholars, a reader noted that my letter’s reference to “Candidate Obama,” sounded similar to “Comrade Obama,” and thus, betrayed the President’s Marxist-Leninist origins. Another astute observer noticed my British spelling of the world “realise,” and reported this straightaway to a senior moderator, who congratulated her for her fine detective work. A grammar-aware sleuth, armed with my mix-up of their/there and let’s/lets, went in search of clues. She returned with a whole trove of letters supposedly written by me, published online in Baltimore. Of course, all your blogs contain the usual references to Axelrod and Plouffe implying that the President’s closest advisors sit up nights furiously scribbling pro-Obama missives, and sending them to anyone who might read them. Apparently, no one thought to ask that if All the President’s Men really were to embark on such a scheme to fake a groundswell of Obama-support, why in the world would they sign each letter with the same name?

Alright, then. Take a deep breath and accept that you’ve all been a bit silly. Let’s imagine a much more plausible scenario. Frustrated Obama-supporter writes letter to some blogs, asking why are we so harsh on our new President? Ben Stein picks up my letter, and even pays me a backhanded compliment in the process (check out the chronology of submissions. They match this). Star-struck girl sees letter in print, accompanied by angry comments from dozens of frothing Tea-partiers. She decides that perhaps she’s quite brilliant after all, and sends her letter around to a few more papers. Voila! The letters are printed, and Ellie’s friends (my friends), all remark that they never get their letters published, and what’s so special about Ellie’s letters. So Ellie, feeling smug and superior, indulges in a bit more self-validation, and submits her letter again…. and again! Then one fateful day, Ms. Eaton from the Cleveland Plain Dealer does her Google search, and a conspiracy theory is born!

Now, I know you guys are almost as big on conspiracy theories as my FEMA-hating lefty pals, and are not about to just let something this juicy go away, especially since the more fanciful theories about me are sending Tea-blog readership through the roof. The guy over at Left-Coast Something-Something flat out says that he’s never been onto anything so big. He couldn’t hide is excitement. I mean, how often do you people find someone new to hate? I’m sure its exhilarating. So why didn’t I lie low and be happy that you guys are spinning your wheels so fruitlessly? Because part of me just can’t resist clearing the air. Part of me hates to see anyone, even political opponents, carrying on in such a brainless, ridiculous pastime.



Dave C January 25, 2010 at 6:14 am

From what I heard, Ellie is a crack whore who will lick out the corners in a public restroom for 5 bucks.


SarahW January 25, 2010 at 7:02 am

Robo spam from “Ellie” in heavy rotation, I see.


I R A Darth Aggie January 25, 2010 at 7:16 am

So, Ellie, can I call you Ellie? so, Ellie, how many residences do you have? why the the subterfuge of claiming residence in so many places if you don’t actually have that many residences?

What’s that, you say? many of those newspapers probably would have been rejected your missive otherwise? why, yes, that’s true. That should give you a clue.

Now, as far as the rest goes, let me tell you a story. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I don’t got to sample the sh!t to know its a duck. You’re as fake as the grass in the Superdome.


Amy January 25, 2010 at 7:38 am

I see the star-struck girl visited your blog too. Thanks for the link, Joy.


John January 25, 2010 at 8:32 am

If Ellie wants to give an interview, I’m here in HB and can do it today. Shouldn’t be hard to prove you’re a regular person and not part of Obama’s team. I’m near Hope View school.


Cousin Dave January 25, 2010 at 9:11 am

Dan Riehl has received this too.


S. Weasel January 25, 2010 at 9:35 am

Shoot. All I ever get are Viagra ads.

On the upside, I’ve been getting a LOT more of them lately.


T J Symanski January 25, 2010 at 10:09 am

So let’s see. “Ellie” sends in a number of letters to editors, and they show up with different cities of residence attached to them.

Either she lied, or a series of newspapers decided to fabricate information she had no reason to change.

Plainly she lied. So now the liar decided that the best defense is a good offense, and tried to pretend that those who caught her lying somehow are conspiracy theorists.

Wrong. She’s simply a lying liar who lies.


tomg51 January 25, 2010 at 10:29 am
John January 25, 2010 at 10:45 am

I sent a request for an interview to Ellie’s yahoo account. Can’t see any reason to play coy now.


Ace January 25, 2010 at 11:14 am

Too late “Ellie”.

Whoever you are, or was, or pretended to be, you are now forever known as

Ellie the Astroturfer.


Cynthia Yockey January 25, 2010 at 11:37 am

Congratulations! You are linked in Michelle Malkin’s “Buzzworthy” column!


TheEnigma January 25, 2010 at 11:40 am

A request of ALL Conservatives posting messages on any message board. PLEASE omit the profanity and other such phrasing, leave such to the brain-dead of the left. Use words and comments that are in line with the Conservative message but please do not stoop to the level of the left. Be proud of what you have written, make sure it is not something that you would or should be ashamed to post.

“ellie light” isn’t the only source of pro-osama letters. Try this one on for size:

DoJ hires bloggers as propagandists and sock puppets by Clarice Feldman


“The Self-Anointed One” must be crawling around the Oval Office looking for its ego. When government offices are used to prop up its faltering image, the one occupying the Oval Office must be in desperate need of psychological counseling. Maybe a few Senators will come up with the idea of seeking to impeach it for serious abuse of power.

These events are going to become powerful tools in the upcoming elections.


Little Miss Attila January 25, 2010 at 11:54 am

Um, no profanity–but you’re referring to the President of the United States with the pronoun “its”?

With all due respect–fuck that shit.


ii1111 January 25, 2010 at 2:45 pm

or that if that does not work go here


the ellie light theme song


Tania Gail January 25, 2010 at 6:55 pm

She decides that perhaps she’s quite brilliant after all, and sends her letter around to a few more papers. Voila! The letters are printed, and Ellie’s friends (my friends), all remark that they never get their letters published, and what’s so special about Ellie’s letters.

Brilliant? Not so much. You are very late to this game, Ellie. I accomplished the same in 2004 – ancient history to you. However, I can say to – been there, done that.


Mondo January 25, 2010 at 7:16 pm


The two IP addresses for the estimable Ellie are Saudi Arabia and outside of Pisa, Italy.

For all of her replies that she’s just a star-struck Obamanot, stricken with her new-found fame, she has declined to answer two questions.

1-What were her intentions, outside of Astroturfing, in portraying herself as a local of the many cities in which she scammed sleepy editors of the newspapers she wrote?

2-Why did she feel that she had to mask her IP address so that she couldn’t be traced?

Both of these actions seem more of the calculated dishonesty type than “Gee, they really like me now!” variety.

I think you nailed it: I’ll believe she’s a real person when a reporter meets her in a face-to-face at one of her many residences.


CGHill January 25, 2010 at 8:50 pm

Two words: “Greg Packer.”


RobX January 26, 2010 at 5:24 am

If the message is true and “she” is “feeling smug and superior, indulges in a bit more self-validation”, why would she not be on TV now? Several interviews on ABC, NBC, MSNBC and other sim-pathetic outlets would provide her a chance to really indulge herself. Strange it does seem the dismissive ridicule sounds oh so familiar to me. But I guess don’t mind the letter…anyone can write a letter. Much like anyone can buy a truck.


Bob Belvedere January 26, 2010 at 1:26 pm

Quoted from and Linked to at:
People Agree: Ellie Light Is A Nasty Slut


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