Tammy Is Having a Sale on Website Designs

by Little Miss Attila on March 6, 2010

Or, as we used to call them in the old days, “skins.” You’ll note that some old-school blogs have a function that allows you to pick a design that the site will always display for you in. (Tammy’s has that feature, though now and then there will be, mixed in with the legitimate A Mom and Her Blog designs, an experimental one for a client that needs approvial; they are labeled, though: it’s just a fun little fact.)

Tammy also provides webhosting, which in my case translates into 1) a bit of tech support here and there, 2) running interference when I get too many Instalanches in one month and her subcontractor wants to pull this blog down, and 3) working with me to keep the lights on here when I’m broke and can barely afford groceries.

The difference is that when Tammy runs low on grocery money, it’s a bit more serious: she’s got kids. She designed this site for me around the Chris Muir cartoon, and moved all my archives over here from the mu.nu site. What a relief that was.

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