Hey! Jeff’s Posting Again!

by Little Miss Attila on March 6, 2010

Here. He’s wondering how much of an impact on civic education a college degree might have. Let’s just say that its helpfulness is limited.

“How does graduating from college or gaining civic knowledge change someone’s public views?”

My guess is, most of you already know the answer to such a question. But go ahead and read the major findings of the study anyway.

Then, when you’re finished, breathe a sigh of relief. Because only patriarchal oppressors caught up in the moribund epistemology of the debunked Enlightenment paradigm even care about such nonsense.

The real value of an university education is in learning how to turn any socio-political negative into an indictment of the blinkered hateyness of the founders (and those teabagging cousinfuckers who immorally insist we follow their dictates) . . .

I took the quiz, of course. Results:

You answered 32 out of 33 correctly — 96.97 %. Average score for this quiz during March: 77.0%

Which isn’t bad for a girl who didn’t graduate college. Or high school. Or junior high. But at least I don’t combine em-dashes with colons in parallel constructions. Though I will occasionally add a period to a blockquote so I can squish two lines together and save space.

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Peter March 6, 2010 at 7:17 pm

Me too, not bad for a guy who got his education by getting a GED between tours in the Southeast Asian War Games, then continuing with a degree from the University of the Public Library.


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