It Does Sound Rather Like a Monty Python Skit

by Attila Girl on November 28, 2005

Pixy’s covering my blogwar with Hugh Hewitt. Admittedly, my blog war with Hugh Hewitt has been less dramatic than many such conflicts, due to a few unavoidable facts: 1) Hugh doesn’t know my blog exists, and 2) Hugh doesn’t know I exist.

But, you know: I’ve been carrying on despite these minor obstacles.

On the other hand, at some point he will be forced to concede that Condi Rice exists, and that she’s a stronger candidate for President than most of the boring white guys Hewitt seems interested in pushing (e.g., Frist).


Jack November 28, 2005 at 8:16 pm

I say it should be a Condi/Powel ticket. Let’s see if the liberals can come up with something to demonize that ticket.

Attila Girl November 28, 2005 at 8:27 pm

I’m thinking Rice/Giuliani. Very tough to beat.

beautifulatrocities November 28, 2005 at 8:56 pm

I like that you’re having a blogwar that’s so civilized one of the parties doesn’t know it’s going on. Refreshing

Attila Girl November 29, 2005 at 1:33 am

Rather like the L.A.-Bay Area rivalry, no? (Okay. We know it’s going on, but we just can’t get exercised about it.)

Pixy Misa November 29, 2005 at 3:29 am

Yep, Rice/Giuliani or vice versa looks by far the best ticket the Republicans could come up with – though they do have a couple of years to work on that.

What else do they have? Okay, Jeb Bush would drive the moonbats crazy; the prospect of another four years of Bush presidency would have them popping blood vessels. But I don’t know if he’d make that strong a showing otherwise.

Senators? Forget it. Arnold? Not eligible. The other governors? Do any of them really stand out?

Attila Girl November 29, 2005 at 4:11 am

Nobody does. And Arnold’s star has fallen a bit lately. But he is, of course, foreign-born. (We’ve got to get rid of that, of course. It’s silly.)

Jeb Bush is interesting, in that his family is half-Latin (he married a Latina) and he converted to Roman Catholicism, so he might galvanize Latinos and Catholics. But Americans don’t like too much “dynasty,” so even if he runs someday I don’t think 2008 is the time.

Flap November 29, 2005 at 12:46 pm

Flap handicaps a Giuliani/Allen ticket unless Cheney resigns/dies and Condi then is appointed VP.

Then Giuliani/Rice.

If not in 2008, Condi runs against Mayor AV for California Governor.


Ken November 29, 2005 at 1:22 pm

Not surprising, but remains amusing, that RNC Radio Hugh has turned to Frist, probably at the behest of Ken Mehlman. Hewitt was dismissing Frist’s chances as recently as a couple of weeks ago over the “updates on the war” vote.

I agree that a Giuliani/Rice ticket looks like the best bet going, but Rudy’s going to have to have a road-to-Damascus moment on the Second Amendment to get the RKBA folks to turn out.

Attila Girl November 29, 2005 at 6:37 pm

Sorry. Rice at the top of the ticket. That’s my final offer 😉

Pixy Misa November 29, 2005 at 6:41 pm

But if she runs as veep, we can get sixteen years of Rice in the White House!!!

Attila Girl November 29, 2005 at 7:49 pm

Ken, your comment and mine crossed in the mail. The Second Amendment is one of the chief reasons Rice needs to be at the top of the ticket: in this area (and several others) Giuliani is not conservative enough to get the nomination. Rice is adamant about the importance of gun rights—absolutely rock-solid. And because of her heavy-duty Christian background (daughter of a minister, etc.) she may squeak by on the abortion issue (technically pro-choice, but very disapproving of abortion, and likely to favor limitations/a return to the states—which is where the progress is to be made these days).

One more time: Giuliani can’t get the nomination (at least, not at the top of the ticket). Rice can.

Crystal Dueker November 30, 2005 at 9:42 am

Attila Girl is right, Condi stands up for the Second Amendment and that is a huge problem for Guiliani. Likewise, Frist might be a fine person, but he is not dynamic. He and Kerry suffer from SenatorDRONE-itis, and anyone who ever tried to listen to any of their speeches understands what I mean. It is also one of the key reasons Gore lost in 2000, drone drone drone, and it is no wonder people referred to that Democrat as Al BORE. With Condoleezza Rice and each of her appearances at the podium during her world visits in the past 11 months, she is dynamic, understands the issues she is speaking about, and treats people with respect. Her diplomatic skills have been sharpened in the past year as well, and even Grover Norquist has suggested her as Time magazine’s Person of the Year. The most ironic thing is that Donna Brazille, the Democrat mouthpiece, also agrees for Condi to be Person of the Year. Did you all see the ABC interview last night? What did you think of the TV ad by Americans for Dr. Rice? Any comments? Thanks Miss Attila, always a JOY to visit your site.

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