Thomas Sowell:

by Little Miss Attila on April 1, 2011

Many people on various parts of the political spectrum are expressing a sense of disappointment with Obama. But I have not felt the least bit disappointed.


UPDATE: The issue is, where do you score on the Rube-O-Meter? I’d call myself a bit of a rube, since I saw “Carteresque” as the worst-case scenario. But I certainly didn’t vote for the man; I held my nose and knocked on doors for his opponent.

Some, however, knew better than to even indulge in the “Carteresque” fantasy.

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Thomas Sowell: Obama's Not Disappointing, He's Disgusting - The POH Diaries
April 1, 2011 at 4:23 pm
So, What’s for Breakfast? | POWIP
April 2, 2011 at 5:09 am

{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }

TWB April 1, 2011 at 7:23 pm

LMA, I guess the big question is would it have been better to be among the blind followers who had so much hope and are now counted among those disappointed or counted among those sounding the warning bells and saw what was coming only to see it come to fruition?

Thanks for the link!


daddy April 2, 2011 at 4:43 am

From Sullivan’s article: “In some ways, Bush was more respectful of the Congress”


Sullivan is still lying to himself, and to his readers.

In all ways Bush was more respectful of the Congress.


Alex Bensky April 2, 2011 at 5:03 am

I can’t say I’m disappointed, either; “disappointed” means an expectation was not met or a hope was frustrated. Very little he has done as surprised me.

As a former lifelong Democrat and one-time party activist, I left the voting booth in 2008, having cast my first presidential vote for a Republican, and wondering if there was any reason why I didn’t feel particularly guilty about it. Everything I’ve seen about Obama since then answers that.


mac April 2, 2011 at 5:12 am

It didn’t take genius to recognize where this character was going if he got elected. He is a marxist ideologue and has been one since his earliest upbringing. The only people who didn’t know this were people who hadn’t bothered to do the slightest amount of inquiry into his background. America has never elected a president about which it knew so little. The people who voted for this man were either fools or knaves. Those of us who saw him coming miles away are torn between complete contempt for the electorate that made his election possible and despair that our country could have been so damned stupid as to allow such an America-hating criminal to get elected. That said, the people who voted for him are going to pay for it in spades, as well as their children and grandchildren. Unfortunately for the rest of us who didn’t vote for him, we’re going to have to pay for his idiocy as well. There’s a reason why the U.S. Embassy in London is backed up six months out for appointments to renounce American citizenship: Obama and the Democrats.


Dennis April 2, 2011 at 5:50 am

Since, as a country, we have already made this huge mistake, we need to understand the real disaster around the corner if Obama gets re-elected. Given that Obama has acted more like a King with utter disregard for Congress, the Courts and the American people now one shudders at the depths Obama will go to in order to keep power and control this country in the future. Obama will not need or care about anyone group or person.
Hopefully enough of the useful idiot will awake and we can get rid of this cancer on the body politic????????????


smitty April 2, 2011 at 6:23 am

“I’d call myself a bit of a rube, since I saw “Carteresque” as the worst-case scenario. ”

It was all a question of which Campaign Obama would show up on Inauguration Day.
I told people who asked my opinion that if Vaguely Clintonesque Obama showed up, we’d muddle through.
Too bad that didn’t happen.
Rube? I could have worked harder for the GOP nominee, I suppose.


PD Quig April 2, 2011 at 6:58 am

I wore out my keyboard in 2008 trying to get people to read The Case Against Barack Obama and other material that exposed Obama for what he is. The typical responses were:

1. The GOP deserves to be punished
2. McCain’s an idiot too
3. How bad could he be?

While #1 and #2 were unequivocally true, we are only now finding out the answer to #3: very bad, indeed.

I no longer commit to writing my contempt for my erstwhile friends to supported Obama, but I do not hesitate to tell them to their now often sheepish faces that they are complete rubes. Their laziness, moral vanity, and ideological blindness is going to cost me and my family plenty in the future and they deserve little forgiveness.


Z April 2, 2011 at 7:17 am

Obama reminds me of a quip that Robert Moses once said of John Lindsay when the latter was mayor of NYC in the late 60s. It was along the lines of when a matinee-idol of a mayor is elected, a musical-comedy of an administration is the result. In regrads to Obama (and the unwrranted adulation he was getting in 2008-09) I’d say when you elect a rock star for President, you get an Altamont of an administration.


TWB April 2, 2011 at 7:43 am


And there were so many “Campaign Obama’s” to choose from.


SgtPete April 2, 2011 at 7:48 am

When Obama was elected, I said oh well, it will be “Carter light,” soon I found out wrong, that Jimmy was “Obama light.” A paraphrased from Napoleon Hill is that from every negative event comes with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. From Jimmy came Ron and from Obama came the TEA Party. Unlike Ron, the TEA party is not limited to two terms, it is not going away, but will either change the Republican Party or become a new party. Thank you Barrack, for getting us organized!


kevino April 2, 2011 at 8:28 am

President Obama has been awesome! He has exceeded my expectations. I didn’t expect anything from him. I knew that the job would be too much for him. The country was going to elect a Democrat, so electing in incompetent Democrat was clearly a win. The country was going to elect a corrupt Democrat (either Sec. Clinton or Obama), so electing a political hack from the political sewers of Chicago would leave a thoroughly bad taste in people’s mouths. But what I failed to predict was how lazy he is. Having reached the top job in his profession, he suddenly realized that he couldn’t use it as a springboard to his next job, so he focused like a laser-beam on his golf game and his vacation plans. In two short years his party has gone from unstoppable to kicked-to-the-curb. Liberal policies at home and abroad have been thoroughly discredited. I think that a lot of Americans are waking up to the fact that liberal policies are flushing the country down the drain. Great job, Barry! Keep it up.


Leah April 2, 2011 at 8:33 am

I wasn’t under any illusions about Obama but unfortunately he has been much much worse than I thought he’d be. I never thought he could bring so much destruction so quickly to America, but he has.


Buck O'Fama April 2, 2011 at 8:54 am

Yeah, in 2008 I thought this dolt would be Carter redux. I am coming to see that I was too optimistic by at least half. This nitwit has all the WORST features of Carter, Clinton and Nixon, with NONE of their virtues.


Charlie April 2, 2011 at 10:05 am

Hah! Call me the unRube. I embraced the Obama presidency (in many a comment just like this one) as I foresaw his ability, in a single term, to derail progressivism for a generation. All I can say at this juncture is that I may have misunderestimated the man–looks like he’s going for the death of progressivism, in which case I nominate that an oak-leaf cluster and the words “For Real” be added to his Nobel Peace Prize.


Walter Sobchak April 2, 2011 at 10:08 am

I tagged him as a leftist who lived in a left-wing bubble from the beginning. The only time he surprises me is when he does or says something moderate.


Tryptic April 2, 2011 at 11:53 am

Kevino – simply brilliant. Who knew just how apathetic the man could be?

With the benefit of hindsight, does anyone truly, really, believe that Barack Obama put in the hard work that produced Dreams From My Father?


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