“We Demand Women of Color with Natural Physiques.”

by Little Miss Attila on December 29, 2008

Then watch an American football game; it seems to me that the cheerleaders at same are pretty varied in race and body type.

Stacy McCain has the “naked (and nearly naked) skydivers” commercial. To summarize:

1) Per Stacy McCain and Joy McCann there is at least one Asian woman present among the skydivers.

2) Per Stacy McCain and Joy McCann this is, after all, a Danish commercial; I believe their notion of genetic diversity lay in having brunettes among the models. (They probably emptied the model agencies of all their non-blondes as it was.)

3) Per Stacy McCain and Joy McCann, there are some natural-looking breasts in the commercial. Not many, but several pairs.

4) The commitment to realism and an aesthetic of naturalism is shown by the fact that all the women in this commercial are wearing red high-heeled shoes. (It is supposed to be stylized, rather than natural.)

5) Stacy, despite his “careful” viewing of the video, failed to note that there were simply too many women in that video to have emerged from that single aircraft. (I’m pretty sure on this point; will someone fact-check me, here?)

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Gordon December 29, 2008 at 8:08 pm

Well, the aircraft was big enough for all the women in the earlier shot before they start boarding. But not big enough for the number who form the skywriting bit at the end. Shocking, isn’t it? I mean, you’d think that the continuity person would get that bit right.


Little Miss Attila December 29, 2008 at 8:59 pm

I was personally appalled.


Darrell December 29, 2008 at 11:04 pm

You could fit 100 of these women in a C-130 variant. However, more than 400 would be needed for that final formation–roughly twenty per letter. This makes me doubt everything I have ever seen on film or tape. I will never buy another Siemens product again. And don’t think I didn’t get the connection with “Siemens”. And “Kun 4999” They should be forced to film it again. Accurately. With a few seconds of each model. Siemens Vaskemaskine KUN 4999

And is “The Flight (Ride) of the Valkyries” a tie-in to that Tom Cruise movie?

There already is more diversity than meets the eye initially. Especially for Denmark.


Little Miss Attila December 30, 2008 at 1:55 am

I think they’re using the music for all the other associations it has; personally, it makes me think of flying toasters, but I’m old.

Darrell: a close-up of each washing machine model?

I think perhaps what we need to see is “The Making of ‘The World’s Greatest Commercial,'” in which the filmmakers can defend their decision not to underscore the verissimilitude by showing other planes, and interviews with each of the women in the original plane can be conducted, thereby giving them a chance to defend the naturalness of their breasts–some of which were, indeed, suspiciously hemispherical.


Darrell December 30, 2008 at 12:54 pm

Yes. Each washing machine model. And forget about load and other details about how well they clean. I want to know how good each model is for the environment.

I am sure it was all about scholarship, not ‘beauty.’ I suspect we will hear a lot about Global Warming and other ‘important’ social issues in those interviews.

Thank goodness that pool was there, though. And proper flotation devices were fully inflated and available. It could have been a catastrophe.


Attila Girl December 30, 2008 at 7:38 pm

Also–the guy in the golf cart did not get into a collision on the links; I was so concerned about that.

There are all kinds of literary and philosophical issues involved in that commercial, and many literary allusions contained therein.

We shall have to study it more carefully in order to fully appreciate the craftsmanship, adherence to theme, and narrative arc, of course. And the character development; that was intense. These characters seemed to pop right off the screen! Masterful.


Mark Vice June 12, 2010 at 3:09 am

I love it!


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