But Who Bails Out the Bailers-Out?

by Little Miss Attila on December 30, 2008

The Forgotten Men (and women), natch.

Via Insty, Bailout Rage. In the very next post, he notes that some people don’t think Congress should be getting an automatic pay raise this time around.

Or, perhaps (just thinking aloud, here) at all.

This is the second Christmas that I’ve watched, as a freelancer, while others got laid off around me. I’m starting to think that if we can possibly find a better deal on health-care insurance (like, either coverage that doesn’t suck, or coverage that isn’t really pricey) I should just continue to be a hired gun. It’s safer that way.

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Desert Cat December 30, 2008 at 7:34 am

There is certainly something to be said for that.  Daisycat has about 6-8 employers (I lose track), who each use her occasionally when another therapist is out or their patient census is higher than usual.  The net result is about 3/4 time (or better) employment, season in and season out.  And if times are tight, they’d rather cut a full-timer and call her in more often.  She gets to choose who to work for and how often, and if one employer is giving her more grief than she is willing to tolerate, she stops scheduling time with them.  They’re largely at her mercy.

I envy her some.  But there is a trust factor you have to develop, when your work schedule looks thin out ahead a few weeks, that the calls will indeed come in for work.  It helps to have a spouse working in a full time position.  I’m where the bennies come from.


Attila Girl December 30, 2008 at 7:28 pm

We’re back to the issue of why writers must NOT marry other writers . . . no matter how good an idea it seems at the time.

I’ll tell you one thing, though: I am starting to get more and more pissed at this. My spouse and I have been in our own personal recession for better than five years, and everyone in power seems hell-bent on making this downturn last as long as possible . . .


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