The Plane Truth

by Little Miss Attila on April 28, 2009

Obama was on “Scare Force One.”

If it was just Michelle and the girls going for a joyride, they would have told the cops and the press, and explained that there was going to be a photo op—and, as long as this was to be done, Michelle and the First Daughters were going to be along so they could get an unusual view of the Statue of Liberty.

The only potential justification for the media blackout (and FBI/law enforcement blackout) was that one of the passengers was a very high-value individual indeed. Like, the highest.

It’s the only explanation that fits the facts: Obama was on the plane.

UPDATE: Via Insty, Joey Devilla has some thoughts about this; I agree. If people in New York and New Jersey had been prepared, it could have been a mini airshow. But people weren’t informed, and in fact the Feds promised sanctions on anyone that let the secret out.

It doesn’t make sense. Unless Obama was in the plane.

UPDATE: I rest my case. I’m I’m sure the up-close view of the Manhattan skyline was the most “enchanting” thing about being President. Unless it’s the fact that people call you “Mr. President,” and act like your time is important. (This goes back to the notion that the Presidency is an actual job, rather than a big ego trip. It’s hard to remember it all now, but in the past our Presidents have actually worked, rather than flying around the world and whoring themselves out to the press. Let’s see: we know he sits behind that historic desk one afternoon a month, whether he needs to or not. So he’s been on-duty about 12 hours so far. If there’s any way we could reduce that number, it would be very good for the country—and the world. Can we get someone to hold up shiny objects during his monthly “office hours”?

I think I shall start writing him fan letters. Beautiful, poetic fan letters that he won’t be able to help but read. If there’s any chance of him actually getting them, it could help a lot: I have a verbose streak, in case you hadn’t noticed.)

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{ 5 trackbacks }

Moe Lane » Barack Obama on Scare Force One?
April 29, 2009 at 5:42 am
Barack Obama on Scare Force One? - Redhot - RedState
April 29, 2009 at 5:42 am
AF-1 Buzzing NYC: Priceless - UPDATES! | The Anchoress
April 29, 2009 at 8:54 am
Is the worm turning? « DaTechguy’s Blog
April 30, 2009 at 6:13 am
Althouse | Little Miss Attila
May 10, 2009 at 4:33 pm

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

smitty1e April 29, 2009 at 3:56 am

The side angle of note is the location.
Can we expect the NYT to leak the passenger manifest?
They’ve a paradox, those editors: a knee-jerk need to sell out the White House, and a corresponding sychophantic desire to perform immoral acts upon the current occupant.
They must be having the falling dream, as cats, with buttered bread strapped to their backs, as they turn, turn, turn like a Byrds tune.


william john perry April 29, 2009 at 5:23 am

Makes sense. Wow.



baldilocks April 29, 2009 at 9:07 am

Don’t forget that there was a similar flight planned for DC, since scrapped. (Was he going to buzz the Capitol?)

He wanted to see what it was like to be one of the airline passenger victims on 9/11–or what it was like to be one of the terrorists.


Little Miss Attila April 29, 2009 at 12:58 pm

I think he did it because he could.

“It’s good to be king.”


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