The Good News . . .

by Little Miss Attila on May 28, 2009

is that a news organization with some resources is finally looking into the Chrysler-dealership issue.

The “bad” news is that the scutwork has fallen to Fox once more.

We don’t have any real indication yet where the decisions are actually being made, unless one wants to treat the denials of the WH Press Secretary as a serious indication one way or the other, and GLWT.

But Fox has performed a preliminary analysis based on 50 randomly dealers selected from the closure list, and has found no correlation so far between political activism/contributions and odds of closure (once the GOP/libertarian bent of entrepreneurs has been corrected for).

More importantly, they are seeing numerical evidence that supports the contention that larger dealers are favored, and that dealers who carry all four product lines are favored, and that actually supports the story we’re being given about what the criteria are.

Obviously, I’d like to see the analysis done on the whole list, but it’s is a huge relief to see the issue being examined.

UPDATE: Think Progress points out that black is white, up is down, cautionary language from Malkin is actually incendiary, and a preliminary debunking of the charge by Fox actually constitutes the spreading of conspiracy theories.

In other news, Andrew Sullivan has been supporting Sarah Palin by kindly helping her to sort out the thorny issue of whether perhaps she is not Trig Palin’s real mom, and whether perhaps her daughter actually had two pregnancies with just a bit of overlap, and Sarah was simply mistaken about having given birth that last time. (Which seems reasonable to me. Many women try to get a head start by starting the gestation process in the backup uterus, and then having a second pregnancy in the main uterus. This would explain how Bristol Palin was able to have two babies within six months of each other.)

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smitty May 29, 2009 at 2:54 am

Don’t overlook the obvious: the existence of the question underscores the foolhardiness of the policy. Also, if you don’t want to be perceived a hedonist, don’t be caught naked at the orgy. Really.


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