Oh, That Crappy American Health-Care System . . .

by Little Miss Attila on June 16, 2009

the one people are always trying to get access to:

According to Barack Obama, our healthcare is worse than other nations and more expensive.

“We are spending over $2 trillion a year on health care – almost 50 percent more per person than the next most costly nation,” Obama is expected to say, according to an advance copy of his remarks. “And yet, for all this spending, more of our citizens are uninsured; the quality of our care is often lower; and we aren’t any healthier.”

Now, we know how the American state-run media will respond. Starting tomorrow, Katie Couric, the gang at MSNBC, etc. will profile people who died in American hospitals and like with Obama’s “created or saved jobs” rhetoric, they’ll say the person could have been saved in a European hospital.

That, of course, will not be true. And we know it won’t be true based on the number of stories of people from Europe and Canada who come to the United States for treatment because of the lack of waiting and amazing healthcare.

Silvo Berlusconi, Italy’s Prime Minister, is but one example.

Belinda Stronach, a Liberal MP from Canada, is another example.

Liberal MP Belinda Stronach, who is battling breast cancer, travelled to California last June for an operation that was recommended as part of her treatment, says a report. . . . [Her spokesman] said speed was not the reason why she went to California. Instead, MacEachern said the decision was made because the U.S. hospital was the best place to have it done due to the type of surgery required.

It’s why the United States has a visa program for medical visits to the United States.

And it is why you can find people all over the internet begging for information on getting sick relatives to the United States for better treatment.

Back in 2000, Democrats accused George Bush of talking down the economy. We should be able to say here, if nothing else, that Barack Obama is talking down the best healthcare system in the world . . . .

What’s a thing like truth when it comes to an important cause like single-payer health care?—the kind that puts Dracula [the government regulators] in charge of the blood bank [government-fun health-care providers]? The beautiful part then, is that we will no longer need tort reform, because we won’t be able to sue the government for better healthcare in the first place, whether the case has merit, or is frivolous! Yay!—that’ll simplify things a lot!

Single-payer. And if that payer say, “we’re rationing care to save costs; suck it,” then I guess we suck it. And yet I still suspect that politicians and the very, very, very rich will not be on the bitchin’ government plan; legislators will still with the gold-plated ones they have, and actors and actresses will be allowed to keep their Motion Picture and Television Fund coverage. Probably in exchange for making commercials and PSA that tell the rest of us how great ObamaCare will be.

After all, some animals are more equal than others.

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