Sex Crimes

by Little Miss Attila on February 15, 2011

. . . in Cairo.

Jim Garaghty has a thing or two to say about it.

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“Progressive Feminists”: The New Rape Apologists! « The Camp Of The Saints
February 16, 2011 at 9:15 pm

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cathy February 15, 2011 at 9:26 pm

Oh. my. God.
Nir Rosen. That’s a name I’ll recognize forever.
It’s actually frightening that anyone would feel those things to begin with. And then to be so disconnected from any degree of human decency as to put them in print>!


ponce February 15, 2011 at 11:20 pm


Speaking of decency, your comrades would deny Lara Logan an abortion if she was impregnated in that terrible attack.


Dr. K February 16, 2011 at 2:21 am


Prove it or take back your slander, you gutless bastard. And by proof, I mean a direct quote of anyone in the leadership of the conservative movement. In full context. Specifically referring to Ms. Logan. All you do is hide behind a keyboard and spew your vile bilge.

You are beneath contempt, using an attack on a woman for political advantage.

Is there no limit to how low you can go?

This is proof of why you should be banned, you lowlife scum.


richard mcenroe February 16, 2011 at 8:20 am

Rosen just resigned. Pity Ponce lacks his integrity.


ponce February 16, 2011 at 8:51 am

Dr. K.,

Manders: I, too, am pro life but I’m also pro choice, do you understand what I mean when I say that.

Angle: I’m pro responsible choice. There is choice to abstain choice to do contraception. There are all kind of good choices.

Manders: Is there any reason at all for an abortion?

Angle: Not in my book.

Manders: So, in other words, rape and incest would not be something?

Angle: You know, I’m a Christian and I believe that God has a plan and a purpose for each one of our lives and that he can intercede in all kinds of situations and we need to have a little faith in many things.


Dr. K February 16, 2011 at 9:44 am

Ponce, and precisely how does that pertain to the assault on Ms. Logan? Especially when those comments were made back in June in 2010. By someone who was running to become a Freshman Senator (hardly a leadership position).

You are still sucm, and will remain so until you recant your vile slander, you gutless bastard.

LMA should ban your sorry ass if you don’t take it back. You have proven yourself not fit to be in the company of humans.


ponce February 16, 2011 at 9:53 am

“You are still sucm, and will remain so until you recant your vile slander, you gutless bastard.”

I understand why me exposing the true nature of the American fringe right using such a graphic example causes you discomfort, Dr. K.

Sharron Angle, darling of the Tea Party movement, thinks this vicious assault on Ms. Logan is just “God’s plan” for her and sees no reason why she should have the option of an abortion available to her.

These are the kind of people you’re trying to get elected.

If you lie to yourself about their true nature because it make you a little uncomfortable, shame on you.


Dr. K February 16, 2011 at 10:00 am

ponce, you ignorant slut.

I see your reading comprehension is on par with a third-grader. I asked for proof of comments specifically about Ms. Logan, from someone in a leadership position. Stop moving the goalposts, you gutless bastard.

You are truly scum for trying to score political points on some person’s misfortune. It appears that you are also shameless. In your world, Ms. Logan is simply a prop.

That makes you sub-human.


ponce February 16, 2011 at 10:24 am

“I asked for proof of comments specifically about Ms. Logan, from someone in a leadership position.”

Dr. K.

I hate to break it to you, but when your wingnut politicians talk about no abortions even in the case of rape or incest, the attack on Ms. Logan is exactly what they are talking about.


Dr. K February 16, 2011 at 10:48 am

ponce, you stupid bastard:

Prove the specifics with respect to Ms Logan or withdraw your slander.

I want a statement where a current leader of the conservatives has specifically mentioned Ms. Logan and abortion within the past 3 days.

If you can’t deliver, just STFU.


ponce February 16, 2011 at 11:13 am

“Prove the specifics with respect to Ms Logan or withdraw your slander.”

Dr. K.

I am not going to help you rationalize away your support for the caring folks who would deny Laura Logan and all rape victims access to abortions if they got the chance.

But I do thank you for providing an interesting insight into the mentality of people who would support someone like Sharron Angle.


Dr. K February 16, 2011 at 11:44 am


You can’t because you are stuck with a slander you cannot prove. No evidence she is pregnant, and yet you continue to insist on your strawman argument.

I still call for LMA to ban your sorry ass. We can put up with your inane blithering. We do not have to stand for your slander, you gutless lying bastard.


ponce February 16, 2011 at 12:20 pm

Dr. K,

I gotta ask.

What makes you think your politicians who want to outlaw abortions even in the case of incest and rape like Tea Party darling Sharron Angle would make an exception in Ms. Logan’s case?

Do you think they are only talking about outlawing abortions for the the victims of “nice” rapes?


cathy February 16, 2011 at 4:25 pm

Ponce, I am quite willing to tell you that I believe it is wrong to abort a child even if the conception of the child resulted from a horrible situation — including rape, “nice” rape, or “rape-rape.” I am not dismissing the pregnant victim’s emotional and psychological ordeal — how to help someone through a such a pregnancy is a separate discussion — but because my pro-life sentiments are informed at least in part by my religious faith, I believe it is wrong to end the life of the very innocent baby the victim is carrying. I do realize how extreme this sounds, and I am very aware how remarkably fortunate I am to never have had to deal with even a fraction of the challenge I’m suggesting some other woman should try to face. I do know that anyone who would encourage a woman in this horrific situation to carry to term and deliver her baby, should be ready to commit significant resources to providing every kind of emotional, psychological, and material support imaginable. But these would be small cost compared to keeping the victim healthy and her child alive. Please believe those anti-abortion voices that insist getting an abortion is not simply becoming un-pregnant. It is a traumatic event even for many women who had no doubts before the procedure, and an endless nightmare of regret for many who were uncomfortable with the choice they made. Carrying the undesired child to term, with the support and love of those around her, would be a better experience than aborting for many women who get pregnant as the result of an assault.

As for Lara Logan, I can only pray that she recover quickly and well, physically and emotionally, from this horrible attack.


cathy February 16, 2011 at 4:37 pm

For what it is worth, ponce, I can certainly understand how appalling it must seem to anyone who does not share my valuation of the fetus, that a woman pregnant by rape could theoretically be forced to spend nine months carrying her assailant’s baby. And I think we both know that such legislation is beyond unlikely, in spite of the stand some ardently pro-life politicians may take.


richard mcenroe February 16, 2011 at 5:08 pm

Ponce is playing the classic lefty game of moving the goal posts to distract us from the inarguably disgraceful conduct of Rosen, Simone Wilson, Debbie Schlussel et al. He has no interest in honest dialogue and no personal integrity or commitment to the truth. He/she/it is best treated as spam and just skipped over.

The solid sordid truth is, this woman was victimized by Muslim extremists and our progressive betters JOKED about it and attacked those of us who criticized their conduct. The solid truth is, this woman was placed in a dangerous situation by her employers whose social and corporate culture refused even to let them CONSIDER that they were exposing her to a degree of risk more severe than that facing her male peers, out of legalistic fears of a ‘hostile workplace’ lawsuit.

Nothing ponce or any other parlor pink has to say will change that.


ponce February 16, 2011 at 5:28 pm

Should Ms. Logan have stayed home, Dicky?


Dr. K February 17, 2011 at 5:08 am

ponce, you sub-human anencephalic slanderous bastard:

Common sense dictates whether or not you choose to visit or work in a specific location (as if you would ever know wht it would be like to actually do some productive work).

I have many opportunities to do contract work in Nigeria and the Middle East. Why don’t I take them? I value my life more than the money, and the money is pretty damn good.


John February 17, 2011 at 7:07 am


Aborting the children that result from rape does not solve the problem; it merely increases the number of victims.


richard mcenroe February 17, 2011 at 7:56 am

Sadly, Ms. Logan was probably a victim of that mindset in her own mind. If she had received any sort of a ‘higher’ education in the last twenty years, she would have been saturated with the notion that a woman is or should be indistinguishable from a man in the workplace, and if she behaved any differently she would be “betraying her sisters”.

Yes, Ms. Logan should have stayed out of that crowd, for the same reason we have labels in the workplace warning when chemicals are being used that can affect a pregnancy. It is an acknowledgment of biological fact, not an imposition of the patriarchy. Unfortunately, it is likely that her entire education and workplace experience worked to prohibit her from making that commonsense assessment.

Oh, and according to AP today, Tahahrir Square (sp?) has become a free zone for every pervert and molester in Cairo.


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