Senator Rockefeller Is Annoyed That His Delaying Tactic Amendment Is Perceived As a Delaying Tactic Amendment.

by Little Miss Attila on April 1, 2011

Honestly, if I were to support any of the Democrats’ alternatives to the McConnell-Inhofe Amendment, it would be Rockefeller’s, which at least backs the EPA off of greenhouse gases for two years.

The problem is this: a stay of execution doesn’t save the prisoner, and a lot of the work involved in developing fossil fuels has to be done for years in advance. The Rockefeller “alternative” keeps investers away, and coal/oil/natural gas companies in a holding pattern until it’s known whether the EPA will indeed be able to implement this sub rosa cap and trade scheme that Congress wouldn’t pass (because the American people wouldn’t have stood for it). With the Rockefeller Amendment, we simply wouldn’t derive the benefits of getting this matter settled.

And there is no rational reason for the Clean Air Act to lead to regulation of nontoxic substances such as water vapor and CO2.

Can we just admit what the new EPA rules are? They are a subsidy of the nuclear power industry, and they work by crippling the rival energy sources to nuclear power.

I happen to support nuclear power, but not to the point that I think other energy sources should be handcuffed in order to facilitate the rebirth of the nuclear industry in this country. And not to the point of crippling manufacturing.

And if the President wants to help out his pals at GE, Exelon, and Duke Energy, then let him do it baldly, by vetoing the McConnell-Inhofe Amendment.

And let him take the hit for it in 2012.

Call your senator, and push him or her to vote for the McConnell-Inhofe Amendment. Do it now.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

ponce April 1, 2011 at 2:40 pm

“And let him take the hit for it in 2012.”

I hate to disappoint you, LMA, but most American’s enjoy clean air, clean water, etc.


Little Miss Attila April 1, 2011 at 2:58 pm

“Clean,” sure. Free of carbon dioxide, which we breathe out–and plants breathe in? That’s a bit extreme, and can only really be accomplished by getting rid of large numbers of people.


ponce April 1, 2011 at 3:59 pm

The amateur nuclear physicists of the right, fresh off their predictions of no problems in Japan, morph into atmospheric scientists?

Is their nothing wingnuts aren’t experts at?


Little Miss Attila April 1, 2011 at 5:04 pm

That would be “experts on.

Don’t know much about history, but I do know my prepositions.

And: “there.”

You’re welcome.


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