So, Ben. How Are Things on the Other Side of That Shark?

by Little Miss Attila on May 18, 2011

Carol on Ben Stein’s having completely beclowned himself. Over at Potluck, Just a Conservative Girl chimes in, asking “what’s wrong with conservative men of late?”

I’ve got no idea, except that I’m seeing an unfortunate tendancy to focus on Governor Schwarzenegger’s indiscretion to the point that it eclipses an actual rape by a powerful man. I’m not condoning Arnold’s actions, and I get that there’s a huge temptation to see the common thread of erotically charged arrogance, but . . . an affair versus an assault? When the guy who had the affair took fully financial responsibility, and didn’t participate in an abortion copout? How are these things even remotely the same?

But, back to Ben “Let’s Rethink the Polanski Thing, Since Reputable Men Don’t Commit Rape” Stein. No, he didn’t defend Polanski, but the notion that economists as a class are incapable of rape is utterly laughable. Stein attempts to distinguish the two by falsely calling Polanski a “pedophile” because the person upon whom he forced himself was a teenager. After all, normal men never have sexual thoughts about teenage girls–why, a sexually mature teenager is the same as an eight year old! Q.E.D.

I’m eyeing that spot on the wall where I’ve got the framed script that Mr. Stein autographed for me–and trying to figure out what I’m going to put in its place.

Don’t get me wrong: Stein’s article was quite brave. Unfortunately, it was also rather stupid: classist, and classless.

UPDATE: Does Stacy want me to scold him in private, then? Or am I not suppose to disagree with him at all?

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

vanderleun May 18, 2011 at 8:44 pm

You are not supposed to disagree with him ever. You are, however, expected to show up to clean his room just as he gets out of his show at Holiday Inn Express.


Little Miss Attila May 18, 2011 at 9:01 pm

Oh, snap!


Make me some coffee, sweet cakes May 19, 2011 at 5:01 am

Vanderleun wins comment of the day. Perhaps the week, too.

Attila, you ignorant slut.

If you can’t understand why your participation in a public medium that exists to allow pretty much anyone to discuss current events constitutes “scolding” then I certainly can’t explain it to you! Some things are just self evidently self evident.


Darrell May 19, 2011 at 6:22 am

“[W]hat’s wrong with conservative men of late?” {CG}

You need a better “radar” for Conservative men.
Here’s a hint. If they’re chummy with the Media, they’ve slipped into the darkness.

I don’t know if it’s a personal friendship, but Ben dug a hole and kept on digging. Shame that.


Darrell May 19, 2011 at 6:23 am

Closing, you know what.


I R A Darth Aggie May 19, 2011 at 6:46 am

I thought it was brilliant satire of the privilleged elites who see themselves as our betters and that whatever depradations they commit, it’s for our good.

Am I wrong?


Darrell May 19, 2011 at 7:07 am

Oh, if you want something to make you feel better, watch Taken.
Liam Neeson knows what to do with French scum.


Leah May 19, 2011 at 4:09 pm

Schwartenegger hasn’t been conservative in years. btw, was fear of this being exposed what led him to commuting Nunez’s sentence? Cuz I’m wondering if fear of discovery led him to become worse than Gray Davis.


richard mcenroe May 19, 2011 at 5:15 pm

Agreed, actor behaving like a Kennedy isn’t news.

But I consigned Ben Stein to the eyewash commercials years ago, when he embraced intelligent design.


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