For the Longest Time Today,

by the Pirate on December 25, 2006

I just felt overwhelmed. I even called my mother and told her to drop by later than we’d said—I wanted to see if a nap would help. It did, a little.

God bless my mother: she’s not one of those moms. I don’t come from a really domestic line, praise the Lord and pass the convenience foods.

Mom came over and told me she wanted to open presents soon, and then maybe we ought to go out for dinner. She even offered to take the turkey home with her, and roast it herself tomorrow!

A the H didn’t want to go out (for who knew what would even be open today?). So I rallied, and put the turkey into the oven without any stuffing, using Barbara Kafka’s high heat method. (I usually use a hybrid approach that combines her technique with more conventional roasting, though I’m no longer sure why.) It cooked in an hour and forty-five minutes.

We made gravy, and enjoyed an Atkins Christmas: veggies, cranberry sauce, salad, turkey and gravy. No stuffing, no dinner rolls. Because I have PMS, and I decided we were all way too fat to eat high-carb food.

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