Women Are Stupid. And Men Are Stupid.

by Little Miss Attila on December 29, 2008

And Dennis Prager is stupid when he oversimplifies the differences between the sexes. Which, of course, he does too often.

As a matter of fact, that’s why I’m rarely able to listen to him any more. On any other topic, he can appreciate nuance; but not on anything that hinges upon sexual differences.

“Men, blah blah blah. Women, blah blah blah.”

Blah, blah. Blah.

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Leah December 29, 2008 at 1:11 pm

That is a big part of why I stopped listening as well. Also, his ‘big issues’ which tend to be these tiny little issues that he has blown out of proportion.
Every so often, Rush isn’t on, or during commercial break I’ll flip over to listen to Dennis, I get the impression that all he talks about is how evil women are.
I’m sorry to say, once he and Fran got divorced – his show went down hill.


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