Obama Would Like to Focus on Energy, But Ignore the Gulf Oil Spill

by Little Miss Attila on June 30, 2010

Talk about not addressing the elephant in the room, if you’ll excuse the expression.

Obama appears to want to operate in a sort of parallel world wherein the Deepwater Horizon disaster didn’t happen, or isn’t happening.

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Texan99 June 30, 2010 at 1:00 pm

Not to mention a world where the EPA is hindering the efforts of large Dutch oil skimmers by forcing them to take their 85/15 water/oil mix back to port at frequent intervals, rather than filter most of the oil out and discharge the mostly-clean water back into the Gulf. Why? Because the discharged water does not meet Clean Water Act 15ppm standards for oil in water.


Darrell June 30, 2010 at 11:20 pm

State and Federal EPAs suspend regulations all the time to cope with disasters. If they didn’t, you wouldn’t be able to pump out your basement after massive flooding. That water is also contaminated with any chemical it may have come in contact with, not to mention sewerage and other biologicals. Do you recall anyone stopping cleanup operations in New Orleans after Katrina? Let me give you a hint–no.

Obama wants the spill to continue so that his pack of hyenas can make their case to stop all drilling for all time. While passing their BS energy plan that takes control of almost every aspect of our lives.


John July 1, 2010 at 4:15 am


This appears to be the Democrats’ starting point.


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