Maggie’s Farm on the Anne Rice “Not a Christian” Flap

by Little Miss Attila on July 31, 2010


It’s not for me to argue Catholic teachings, but my friend The Anchoress Elizabeth Scalia’s reply to Anne Rice’s problem with whether Christians are living her political liberalism probably comes as close as to the Catholicism I learned being raised a Jew in a Catholic and Jewish neighborhood. Rice, like many or most of various religions, confuses politics with faith or, worse, substitutes politics for faith.

There’s a universal message, whether from scripture or Pope, that works: Open your heart and G-d will walk in. Close your mind and G-d’s presence is clouded, at least until your heart is set free.

Struggle with that as you wish or need to find meaning and salvation. Struggle is important in building strengths and to advance. That allows the confidence and trust that ultimately works, to accept the faith in man and in our actions being truer to G-d’s missions for us.

There’s a practical measure each can easily know, if not denied: Are you living life’s struggles with contentment, instead of anguish or anger?

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July 31, 2010 at 11:40 am

{ 45 comments… read them below or add one }

ponce July 31, 2010 at 11:26 am


It’s not like Jesus every sullied his religion with politics.


retriever July 31, 2010 at 3:37 pm

I read the Maggie’s Farm piece earlier, as I like Bruce Kesler’s stuff. But I found this line a little weird (wasn’t sure if he was saying that this proved you were a Christian or not):

“Are you living life’s struggles with contentment, instead of anguish or anger?”

Believers suffer just as much as atheists. But faith is not a matter of feelings but of facts assented to, and a life dedicated. It’s about how we try to behave, and who we worship, not whether we are happy or not. I think.

There is a srand in Xity that stresses the fruits of the Spirit (that impossible list) and says that if you have em, you are following God. A viewpoint that can be used to heap criticism on people suffering, saying “if you are in pain, you have the wrong attitude and must lack faith…”


Darrell July 31, 2010 at 4:54 pm

It’s not like Jesus every sullied his religion with politics.

Perhaps you can list all the examples of that, ponce. You’ll have to do better than just associating with all of God’s children from all walks of life, saint and sinner alike. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish but to fulfill.”
“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”


ponce July 31, 2010 at 5:17 pm


I know this is a touchy topic for the religious wingnuts whose politics are so very, very anti-Christian.


Darrell July 31, 2010 at 10:03 pm

But a good opportunity for nutroots who don’t believe in God to try and convince someone that Marxism has a place in Christianity, by pretending to be Believers. It’s about as effective as when you were presenting yourself as a disguntled Republican. I picture you as the snake, having his life drained by Mary’s foot on his neck. That’s why we have those statues, you know–inspiration. The Virgin Mary appeared to the kids in Fatima to warn the world about the rise of Marxism, you know. I wouldn’t take that as quite the same endorsement as you do.


ponce July 31, 2010 at 10:22 pm

Was that when she appeared on the burrito shell or the grilled cheese sandwich, Darrell?


Darrell July 31, 2010 at 10:34 pm

Ignore that tightness in your throat, ponce. Or try a prayer to Marx or Engels.


ponce August 1, 2010 at 8:19 am

Good luck getting into to heaven by laughably explaining to St. Pete that fighting every attempt to help the poor while rabidly supporting every single dubious war was the the “Christian” thing to do, Darrell.

Enjoy your rather hot wingnut eternity…


Darrell August 1, 2010 at 5:08 pm

By “helping the poor” you must mean doing what the Left actually does–making things worse. Keeping them poor and dependent on aid, or using the “Club of Rome” approach to wipe them off the face of the Earth–for “their own good.” I support the “teaching them how to fish” approach and the infinite opportunities of Capitalism–along with generosity when success is achieved. Terror-enabling nations reap what they sow, fitting any defintion– but the Left’s– for a just war. That might be because many elements of the Left do too.

But thanks for your “Christian” concern and thoughts, ponce. I’m sure they are almost the equal of your Dear Leader’s. I’ll take my chance though, counting on St. Peter (Jesus, actually) not being a Marxist or batshit crazy. On a side note, I personally believe that those who simply don’t Believe are treated as biological life when it is all over–their existence merely ending. It was “free will” after all and God is kind and merciful. Those who support, enable, or serve Evil buy their firely fate, however. You may keep that in mind.


Darrell August 1, 2010 at 5:20 pm

Attention Hollywood screenwriters! Don’t forget the deadline to apply for George Soros’s $2500 bonuses for sneaking the phrase “After all, Karl Marx was the greatest economist who ever lived,” or acceptable variants, into televison show and motion pictures is rapidly approaching! Remember to send proof and note if main characters smiled and nodded their heads in tacit approval or went the “That’s for damn sure!” extra mile:That may qualify you for a super bonus! All decisions by the judges are final. See your union literature for all details.


pounce August 1, 2010 at 5:32 pm

“By “helping the poor” you must mean doing what the Left actually does–making things worse. ”

Again, I don’t think the little lies wingnut “Christians” tell themselves down here will carry much weight at the gates of heaven, Darrell.

Darrell: “Honest, St. Pete, those subsidized school lunch programs only encouraged the undesirables to have more kids!”

St. Pete: “Say hello to Limbaugh for me, loser!”



Darrell August 1, 2010 at 8:23 pm

Great trick putting your words in my mouth. That might even convince your brain-dead friends. Maybe. But I suspect that they don’t even believe what you say any more. Experience is a great teacher.

ponce with you being a moral relativist and Marxist “religion is the opiate of the masses” kind of guy, I appreciate your “Christianity” lessons. It’s as effective as when you play a true “Republican.” I am amazed though, that you made it to your current age–whatever that is. You must spend a lot of time beyond arm’s reach of your fellow man.
Or stick with your kind. Or be just that pathetic not to warrant the resulting hassles. I won’t judge you, though, that’s someone else’s job.
I suggest you start by explaining your reasoning that abortion is just the cleansing of a mass of cells from the body. And it’s no bigee that it’s been done more than 50 million times up to this point in the US alone and more than twenty times that worldwide. Finish with all the Socialist success stories in human history. Wait for the applause.


pounce August 1, 2010 at 9:29 pm

Looks like you’re more upset than when I showed that your tape is a phony, Darrell.

I’m sure Jesus will forgive your lust for war and your hatred of the poor.

Jesus was all about collective punishment and greed, right?


Darrell August 1, 2010 at 11:22 pm

That was only in your little mind. Actually you did not. You showed you don’t know (or won’t acknowledge) the difference between a unidirectional microphone and an omnidirectional one, or understand that if the guy sitting next to you at your kid’s game keeps shouting “bean the bum!” that’s what you will hear on your tape, but not the broadcast for the local access cable channel broadcast–if there was one. The CNN tape is accurate and that’s what the clips show. The proof is that the Left would have been all over this if the CNN tape was altered. It would have been a chance to nail Limbaugh–instead of making up phony quotes or taking bits out of context and sequence like they have been doing. They didn’t, so it must have been real. Phony anger and argument from a disingenuous idiot ideologue named ponce/pounce. You again showed your stupidity when I cited Limbaugh. Anyone familiar with him know that he tapes every national news and political show himself–he pays for a team to do it out of his own pocket. He started doing that after networks denied him access to requested clips. That the source of those long clips he plays, like the total pantheon of Democrats from Clinton to the House parking attendent saying the exact same things about Iraq that Bush had said–or the twenty seven MSM correspondents all using the same words to ask a question. You know, the ones that make your head explode. The ones that make regular people question why the MSM isn’t doing those things because they own all the clips in their archives, and it certainly fits any definition of news and educating the public. It could have been their scoop and they passed on it why? I’m positive that Limbaugh used his own copy of the CNN tape to make his transcript. He would play his own clip on his show, not something he found at YouTube.

I will stand by my record of helping the poor, and I would certainly put it up against yours–I suspect that you do everything with your mouth. You know nothing about me and you display you ignorance with every word you type. With my advocacy, I support strategies that have made a difference and moved people into productive lives–not bullshit that keeps them dependent on the government and tied to the plantation.

And keep pretending that you are a “Christian.” That’s is working out so well for you. The only problem I see is all those “hit and run” comments you have made about Christianty every time the subject came up on this blog. Permanent records are nasty like that. But keep doing it:Some people have short memories.


ponce August 2, 2010 at 12:01 am

You got caughtt linking to a doctored tape put out by some rabid anti-Obama freak and weren’t man enough to admit it, Darrell.

Just another example of your anti-Christian behavior.

But I’m not talking about our little slap fight about that, I’m talking about the final accounting.

The wingnuts’ lust for war alone is enough to keep you guys out of heaven.

Your hatred of the poor is just overkill, but eternity x 2 is still only eternity.


Darrell August 2, 2010 at 1:10 am

Give it up asshole. You lost. No one believes that adding the graphic “EXCUSE” is doctoring the tape in any significant manner. That was just snark from that poster. I gave you another clip showing the exact same video and with the audio exactly the same where nothing had been added or taken away. That was the clip of the CNN broadcast and there are many duplicates of that on YouTube. Right-wing bloggers correctly stated that Obama had his embarrassing moment at the event(using clips made from the CNN broadcast)–and Left-wing bloggers, and the whole MSM, pretended it never happened. They however seized every chance to show much lesser flubs from people they disagreed with, over and over again as proof of their unsuitability for office. You further proved how full of shit you are by not commenting on the Sarah Palin interview with Charlie Gibson. There, ABC made edits of major sections–even within a single sentence! So you believe one guy adding a floating word “EXCUSE” taints even the clips that have not been altered and is the crime of the century, but have nothing to say when your side removes 40% of some of Sarah’s answers. Stick with that position and see where that takes you. You exposed yourself as a partisan fool without any redeeming value. I guess that is why you are here–your role as a troll and a moby. You pretending that the NewsBusters clip is doctored in any fashion other than length is proof of your inability to acknowledge that your DEAR LEADER is human and fallible. That makes you dangerous–even to yourself. You should get some help for that.

You further proved that all of your comments regarding Breitbart were bullshit as well. You keep claiming Breitbart altered the tape. And Breitbart held something back. The NAACP was in possession of the whole tape and Breitbart posted what they gave him when they gave it to him. The real question is why the NAACP didn’t post the whole thing to begin with. Fuck your ” Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it” Alinsky bullshit. The jig is up, we’re not going to fall for it. Kos gets caught making up phony polls for a phony book and the braintrust on the Left goes “So what? Everyone knows we just pull it out our ass anyway–nothing to see here!” Breitbart posts what is available and that’s another of the Left’s “Crimes of the Century–vol 2,345,678!). Equivalence–nutroots style. Gotta love it.

The nutroots lust for death and the belief that they are the smartest people in the room seals their fate. From abortion to deciding who gets to live, even considering “culling” billions of the Earth’s population, they show us what a danger they really are every day. And show us why there will never be any Socialist success stories.


ponce August 2, 2010 at 9:49 am

“Left-wing bloggers, and the whole MSM, pretended it never happened.”

Um, maybe because it didn’t?

Believe it or not, normal people rarely wade into the right-wing sewer system where you dredged your childish propaganda from, Darrell.

Your hilarious defense of a childishly altered tape nicely illustrates why.


Darrell August 2, 2010 at 12:56 pm

And what, pray tell, did they base that on in the first week of June, when you link didn’t appear ’till at least September–and probably later because of YouTube 10-minute-maximum rule in force at the time?
Everyone saw the CNN broadcast–some the whole thing live. But only Lefties knew The One’s shit couldn’t really stink! And three months later, some Lefty sycophant videographer gave them “proof” in the form of a longer version with a single 1-second sound preventing Obama from thinking for forty seconds–one with audio from his camcorder, not the CNN handheld unidirectional microphone. What a compelling argument! I can see why you don’t comment at Althouse. The hundreds of regular commenters would eat you alive. Did they make you cry? How about at Protein Wisdom?

Pathetic liar. And by refusing to acknowledge the unaltered tape that is just cut down in length from the 1-hr original CNN broadcast to the relevant 40 seconds, you lose any credibility you ever had. Keep repeating the lie/add nothing new. In the echo-chamber of the Left, you never have to develop critical thinking/debating skills. Stay over there.

Now repeat the same crap again. It worked with the “Bush lied/people died” stuff. Who knows?


ponce August 2, 2010 at 1:44 pm

“But only Lefties knew The One’s shit couldn’t really stink!”

Um, the “Lefties” attended the rally and clearly heard the fan that your rabid Obama hater crudely edited out, Darrell,

That’s how they knew Limbaugh and his ilk were lying about this phony “story.”

What a shame you chose to foul LMA’s site with this kind of offal.


Darrell August 2, 2010 at 2:27 pm

“Um, the “Lefties” attended the rally and clearly heard the fan that your rabid Obama hater crudely edited out…”

They all did? Really? Is that a fact, too? Do you have any proof or links? They knew Limbaugh lied, and could easily get the proof from the CNN broadcast, but they didn’t make an issue of it? How odd! That’s totally believable. Why do they persist in going after him with those phony quotes and remarks taken out of context then? Easy to refute lies are better than absolute proof? Yes, that makes sense to you. It must because you have said it so many times here.

The only fouling of this site are your comments, mostly. And when your “friends” visit, of course. Now tell me again about the Bush “tax increases” again next year. And don’t mention why they “sunset” to begin with. People here expect you to be “ponce,” you know. And you never disappoint.


ponce August 2, 2010 at 2:47 pm

“They knew Limbaugh lied, and could easily get the proof from the CNN broadcast, but they didn’t make an issue of it? ”


How many normal people do you think listen to your drug-addled adulterizing godling?

The few normal people who do listen to Limbaugh just assume he’s lying about everything anyway.

I had no idea you wingnuts had spun yourselves into an idiotic frenzy over your crude hackery until two years after it was spread through the right-wing sewer system.

If I had seen it way back then I’d have been happy to spend a couple minutes on Google to show y’all it was an obvious phony…not that it would have mattered to you guys.


nicholas August 2, 2010 at 4:00 pm

“How many normal people do you think listen to your drug-addled adulterizing godling?”

I do, all the time. Love Darrell’s comments. They are a tad on the fast side, so if you aren’t paying attention you’ll miss some great stuff.

Meanwhile, the first comment on this particular post is yours:

“It’s not like Jesus every sullied his religion with politics.”

So you are saying that you believe that Jesus did in fact sully religion with politics.

No one is going to get into heaven arguing politics, pounce, but if it is arguing you are about the case is that Darrell did give two quick accurate counters that support the opposite view. Here we are twenty-three comments later and nothing to buttress your statement has been offered.



ponce August 2, 2010 at 4:14 pm

You’re suggesting Jesus was arrested, tried and executed by…a band of civilians who had no affiliation with the government, nick?


Darrell August 2, 2010 at 4:51 pm

And that means “Jesus sullied his religion with politics” ?
Oh, I see.
The government got involved, so it’s political. Does that same reasoning apply with Arizona? Is that political? Does that mean that Jesus got political? Or just the government? How about the Pharisees? How about refusing to sue “sanctuary cities” that flaunt Federal law? Is that political. You sound like some Russians I used to argue with in the ’80s. “It’s all pol…it…i….cal!” And that was a comment about the rain.


ponce August 2, 2010 at 5:50 pm

Are you saying Jesus had no control over what happened to him, Darrell?

That’s certainly a novel interpretation of events.


nicholas August 2, 2010 at 6:58 pm

What Darrell has been saying is pretty clear. That’s not where the confusion is.

“It’s not like Jesus every sullied his religion with politics.”

You seem to be implying something. What?


ponce August 2, 2010 at 8:00 pm

I don’t know how much clearer I can be, nicky:

People who hold anti-Christian political beliefs are kidding themselves if they think they won’t be judged for those beliefs once they die.


nicholas August 2, 2010 at 8:44 pm

“People who hold anti-Christian political beliefs are kidding themselves if they think they won’t be judged for those beliefs once they die.”

That’s where you have been going with this?

How might you defend that, and how does that follow from your original statement:

“It’s not like Jesus every sullied his religion with politics.”


ponce August 2, 2010 at 9:28 pm

From the original post:

“Rice, like many or most of various religions, confuses politics with faith or, worse, substitutes politics for faith.”


ponce August 2, 2010 at 11:09 pm


About your doctored tape you conned LMA into posting:

You quote Rush Limbaugh as saying this about the tape:

“By the way, when he makes his remark about the audience being loud and distracting, we didn’t edit any of the audience out. The audience was not making a sound because the audience is as perplexed as you will be,” Limbaugh said.”

Now here’s what Rush Limbaugh said about the tape according yto the official transcript of his show:

“RUSH: Now, there was a lot of crowd noise going on, and we just took it out so we could hear — (interruption) no, I’m not kidding you. That’s Obama. Now, this is how he explained it.”

Your “quote” of Limbaugh only shows up three places when I search it on Google, and one of them is you quoting it here.

Any excuse for the discrepancy?


Darrell August 3, 2010 at 4:44 am

About your doctored tape you conned LMA into posting:

Sure, start by misspelling my name (after 100s of encounters), then follow up with a lie. Then another. That always makes for a great start.


Well, because he is talking about THIS tape —

Here’s that complete section of the Limbaugh transcript. Note the “this is how.” That’s a setup for what comes next. And what does come next? Read and see for yourself.

RUSH: Now, there was a lot of crowd noise going on, and we just took it out so we could hear — (interruption) no, I’m not kidding you. That’s Obama. Now, this is how he explained it.

OBAMA: Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma, they end up taking up a hospital bed, it costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early and they got some treatment, and a, a breathalyzer, or inhalator, not a breathalyzer. (crowd laughing) I haven’t had much sleep in the last 48 hours.

RUSH: Okay, that’s it. He hasn’t had much sleep in the last 48 hours. It’s inhaler. There’s no such a thing as an inhalator. And a breathalyzer? A breathalyzer is what they give you if you’ve been overserved adult beverages and you’re driving around and the cops catch you. So let’s listen to these two back-to-back. Obama last Thursday in Bristol, Virginia, two days before — and by the way, when did he have that meeting with Mrs. Clinton at DiFi’s house, was that Wednesday night or Thursday night? I thought it was Thursday night. Can you imagine if he’s still talking this way when he got together with her?

It’s obvious, that he is referring to the “breathalyzer” clip, not the clip we were talking about. But do you notice something strange about that transcript page for that particular show ? There are two sections with a “Break Transcription” in the center of the page–typically used to indicate a commercial break. But the lower section is basically a repeat of the section above. Does anyone ever remember listening to a Limbaugh program where he repeats anything? I don’t. That never makes for good programming and Limbaugh knows that well. I’ve heard him do short recaps after long breaks to clue in listeners that just joined and refresh memories of the ones still there, but never like this. Has Limbaugh’s site been hacked?
Did the transcription service screw up?

Now about what I quoted. I find your quote of me accurate. So let’s go back to the Limbaugh transcript YOU just linked–First paragraph after “Break Transcript” in the middle pf the page, eleventh paragraph overall—

RUSH: I want you to hear two sound bites from the Democrat Party standard-bearer, Barak Obama, who 30 years ago would not have survived one sermon being seen publicly by the American people. If anybody running for president 30 years ago had said “Goddamn America” in a sermon, that’s the end of the candidate who had been a 20-year member of the church. If the American people had learned 30 years ago that a presidential candidate of any party can number as one of his best friends a terrorist who blew up the Pentagon, he would be finished. Today he’s the nominee of the Democrat Party for president of the United States, and this is a man of change and this is a man of hope and dreams. This is a man who is finally going to bring about the federal government fixing everything that’s wrong in healthcare. This is from last Thursday in Bristol, Virginia, no teleprompter, no written notes, speaking off the cuff. By the way, when he makes his remark here about the audience being loud and distracting, we didn’t edit any of the audience out. The audience was not making a sound because the audience is as perplexed as you will be listening to this.

I bolded the part I want you to notice (if it shows up after I hit “submit). Do you think my quote is accurate now? It’s your link. It clearly says “we didn’t edit any of the audience out. The audience was not making a sound because the audience is as perplexed as you will be listening to this.” Why didn’t you quote it? It is there in your link. Is the “excuse for the discrepancy” the fact that you cant read? Or are you intentionally trying to mislead the readers here? Hmm?


Last week when we were going back-and-forth with this, I was searching CNN for whatever they had–they have some accessible archives, not complete by any means, but nothing for June of 2008 that I could find. Getting CNN’s official tape is the only way to settle this–not dealing with second–and third-hand sources. The only way I could find someone at CNN to actually get this tape was a contact box on their site and I told them what I was looking for and gave them my info. I still haven’t heard from them.


ponce August 3, 2010 at 8:49 am

Geez Darrell,

The tape we’ve been discussing is right above where Rush Limbaugh says this:

““RUSH: Now, there was a lot of crowd noise going on, and we just took it out so we could hear — (interruption) no, I’m not kidding you. That’s Obama. Now, this is how he explained it.””

He admitted to taking out the crowd noise.

Game Over.


Darrell August 3, 2010 at 10:09 am

While saying “…we didn’t edit any of the audience out.” Does that make sense to you. Saying you did. And saying you didn’t. What if this is just transcription flub? E.g., Now, there was a lot of crowd noise going on, and we just took it out so we could hear? — (interruption) No. [meaning no, we didn’t take it out.] I’m not kidding you, that’s Obama. Now, this is how he explained it. [lack of clarity caused by soemone talking to him as he speaks.]That would fit with “By the way, when he makes his remark here about the audience being loud and distracting, we didn’t edit any of the audience out.” What’s there would not. Maybe a Limbaugh subscriber can share the audio with us and we can know for sure? It is available in WMP and RealPlayer. All you have to do is login.

Saying “Now, this is how he explained it” is a setup for what follows. Otherwise it would be “that is how” to refer to the preceding piece.
And what follows?

OBAMA: Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma, they end up taking up a hospital bed, it costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early and they got some treatment, and a, a breathalyzer, or inhalator, not a breathalyzer. (crowd laughing) I haven’t had much sleep in the last 48 hours

Answer? The other clip about the breathalyzer.


That whole page is a mess. That is why hacking is on the table.
Google doesn’t have a cache of that page. Curious. The only thing I could find–reproduced on another forum from the Baltimore Sun–is the part of the transcript after the break. It is quoted by a poster. That is the same.

What does another segment the same day look like in transcript form?
How about the next segment?

See how organizeed the transcript is? See how he comes back from the break? “Back to Sex in the City for just a second. There’s a method here to my madness in naming the four women as I did, mere moments ago, and describing why men are not going to go see the movie or have no interest in it.” Just a quick reference to what he was talking about. Check out the other segment that day. Or any day for that matter.


ponce August 3, 2010 at 10:21 am


Give it up.

This is surprisingly back on topic.

The tape you got LMA to post is obviously a lie.

Rush Limbaugh himself has admitted to editing out the crowd noise.

You and LMA claim to be Christians but you’re perfectly willing to violate a Commandment, a Commandment! (Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness) because you think politics is separate from the rest of your lives and somehow you won’t be judged for your “politics” when you stand before maker.

Shame on you.


Darrell August 3, 2010 at 11:45 am


What a lyin’ sack of shit. You moved the comments off-topic.
Stop the games. Give me a CNN-sourced tape–just the 41 seconds will do. Don’t talk about it again until you do.

“This is from last Thursday in Bristol, Virginia, no teleprompter, no written notes, speaking off the cuff. By the way, when he makes his remark here about the audience being loud and distracting, we didn’t edit any of the audience out. The audience was not making a sound because the audience is as perplexed as you will be listening to this” , says it all. You lost. Did some clever Lefty with too much time on his hands add “there was a lot of crowd noise going on, and we just took it out so we could hear”? I don’t know, but it wouldn’t surprise me. It’s the kind of thing Lefties tug-off to falling asleep every night. And two years after the fact would make no difference to idiots like that. Afterall, how could their One ever make a flub? Obama must have been made in the image and likeness of himself.

You lie almost every time you comment. I don’t. I didn’t upload any of the dozens of clips on YouTube showing the CNN mask and the audio showing little crowd noise. I guess they could all stem from a single master that was altered, but I doubt that. Other posters would have put up an altered CNN clip. And that would have been easily found on the CNN website on June 5th or 6th: Recent stuff is. No different versions were posted so that speaks for itself. Show me the talk o the Leftie blogs at the time. Show me any Leftie blog[at the time} that copy and pasted “Rush’s confession.” They missed it? Too hard to do that? Oh, yeah…I remember you told us they don’t care about Limbaugh because he is too small a fish. You better have a talk with Obama then because he labelled Limbaugh the biggest fish. Here’s a quote “Smith asked the president if he was “aware of the level of enmity that crosses the airwaves and that people have made part of their daily conversation about you.” Obama replied, “When you’ve listened to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck it’s pretty apparent.” The rancor is “troublesome,” he said, but he acknowledged it’s also a recurring phenomenon.”

Now let’s argue about that.

Ever hear “Judge not lest ye be judged”, when you were studying Marx Christianity? Settle down. It’s not an endorsement of moral relativity. It means do not judge:You’ll be sorry.
I call you a liar because you lie. I don’t tell you that you are going to Hell or comment about whether it is a moral sin and tell you about confession and atonement. Christians aren’t supposed to and most don’t. I am guessing you don’t Believe, ponce. Notice that cap? And pulling this stunt of talking about visiting St. Pete or meeting our maker and rendering judgement on Limbaugh (flush) is beyond the pale. It may get you off, but all it’s going to get you here from now on is “shut the fuck up, you commie cocksucker.” And i don’t say it because of the cocks you may suck. I say it because you’re a cocksucker. And it’s the truth.

The man who tell us about “Bush’s Tax Increases” coming up, instead of referring to them as “The Bush Tax Cuts” that Democrats have been squawking about since they were passed or The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (Pub.L. 107-16, 115 Stat. 38, June 7, 2001) and The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (”JGTRRA”, Pub.L. 108-27, 117 Stat. 752)–their real names–should not be lecturing anyone about politics, the truth, or anything else.


ponce August 3, 2010 at 12:29 pm

““This is from last Thursday in Bristol, Virginia, no teleprompter, no written notes, speaking off the cuff. By the way, when he makes his remark here about the audience being loud and distracting, we didn’t edit any of the audience out. ”

Except of course he had already admitted to editing the audience out and we have another tape of the event and the audience was yelling.

Good luck with the “Jesus is a Republican so he’ll forgive all the lies we’re telling about the Democrats” thing.


Darrell August 3, 2010 at 1:26 pm

Or did he?

Why don’t you ask Limbaugh? I think he’s the one responsible for those archives. I gave him a heads-up about the possible hacking, but since I’m not a member, I don’t expect a resolution with the general address.
I would not be researching the area if I wasn’t concerned about the truth, posting new material. You just talk past any controversy. And repeat the same shit most times. Endlessly. Readers can judge for themselves with all the entries. Apparently no one else cares. I think it’s the “don’t engage the troll rule.” And that people know you all too well.

I’ve never known the right to lie, that’s why I suspect bullshit here. Given that the Left controls the media, it would be impossible to do it or at least get away with it. Media Matters has to spin like a top until there is smoke to make their pathetic cases. Just like your faux outrage at the word “EXCUSE” appearing in that one clip. Doctoring! Butchering! Fake! I feel your “pain.” That’s when you weren’t arguing that cutting it down from sixty minutes to the relevant part of 41 seconds wasn’t the same crime. You must go through a lot of Tylenol. Real people laugh at that shit. Only the Lefties are “amening.” I suspect we know what you do.

Good luck with that pretend “Christian” thing. Thanks for the concern.

I challenge your premise, though. Nobody but the choir votes for Democrats because they think they are honest. And even the choir keeps their wallets in their inside, top left, jacket pocket–one with a velcro closure. I never met a Republican that waxed poetically about repeating a lie until it’s accepted as the truth. They are more concerned with keeping the truth the truth given the tactics of the opposition.

And shut the fuck up, you lying commie cocksucker. Promises are promises.


ponce August 3, 2010 at 1:33 pm

“I’ve never known the right to lie”

Wow, Darrell, that’s out there.

Rush Limbaugh made these two statements within minutes of each other:

“Now, there was a lot of crowd noise going on, and we just took it out so we could hear”

“By the way, when he makes his remark here about the audience being loud and distracting, we didn’t edit any of the audience out. ”

One of them is a lie.

Got to the 37 minute mark of this unedited tape of the event to find out which one:


Darrell August 3, 2010 at 2:50 pm

Oh, I know. The one saying “we didn’t edit any of the audience out.” Does that help? That’s the only one that makes sense given the rest of what’s there.

Your tape by comrade Stephanos? Really? I’m sure that has been scrutinized by experts and passed muster. To bad it wasn’t available until three months after anyone stopped talking about it. Even then, on your tape, we can see that the brain fart is already in progress when there is that 1-sec unintelligible word spoken that “causes” him to say “wait.” And it’s a fraction of the volume of his voice on that camcorder’s microphone. Trains of thought can be derailed by a dried pea, I guess, unlike their diesel-electric cousins. Is Obama human? ponce thinks not.

I would have linked your tape had it come up in the YouTube search. Oh wait, I wouldn’t. It never makes sense to make people work to see a 40-sec joke. That’s why Tolstoy bombed on the comedy circuit.


ponce August 3, 2010 at 4:45 pm

Funny how wingnuts always claim they were just joking when they get caught red-handed in a lie.

Y’all must think Jesus is pretty gullible.


Darrell August 3, 2010 at 6:11 pm

Did you come up with a CNN-sourced tape, then?
Then shut your lying mouth. You haven’t proven anything.
The issue here is the audio on the offical CNN tape. And you by no means proved that those clips don’t show what was broadcast.

And again–shut the fuck up, you lying commie cocksucker.
You’ll get that anytime you introduce religion into the thread, remember? I know yoiu are gullible because you drink the Kool-Aid. By the gallon.


Little Miss Attila August 3, 2010 at 6:43 pm

Some clarification: I posted the tape. I am responsible for posting the tape. When I posted the tape, I thought it was possible that one remark had been made in one spot in the audience, but wasn’t picked up on the mike. My judgement was that even if that had been the case it would not matter, because Obama did not lose his chain of thought just the one time–he lost it repeatedly.

Why was this relevant? Because Ponce has been attempting to state that Sarah Palin’s one evasive answer to a woman she clearly felt was trying to “trap” her is some kind of career killer. (And if it’s so, I’d love to have my career finished off in similar fashion.)

But we don’t need to resort to this (or any one source) to show that Obama has these moments–after all, this is the guy who misspoke and referred to the U.S. having “57 states.” Anyone might misspeak in a similar way, but most of us, hearing the nervous laughter–or even hearing what is coming out of our mouths–would correct ourselves.

This is the guy who pronounced “corpsman” as “corpse-man” multiple times within a single speech.

He’s a guy who doesn’t realize that low bows to foreign powers by American head of state are a diplomatic no-no.

The President is a gaffe-factory, which was my original point–and it doesn’t rest on any one incident.

Also, Ponce: you have to stop baiting people on religion. I know you like to throw rocks aimlessly, but you’re going to have to be more respectful WRT questions of belief.


Darrell August 3, 2010 at 7:07 pm

Careful. ponce can probably link to a homemade tape from Stephanos showing Obama saying “corpman” 300 times in thirty seconds setting a Guinness record.


nicholas August 3, 2010 at 8:51 pm

So here is what Anne Rice said:

“For those who care, and I understand if you don’t: Today I quit being a Christian. I’m out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being “Christian” or to being part of Christianity. It’s simply impossible for me to “belong” to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I’ve tried. I’ve failed. I’m an outside. My conscience will allow nothing else.”


“As I said below, I quit being a Christian. I’m out. In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen.”


“My faith in Christ is central to my life. My conversion from a pessimistic atheist lost in a world I didn’t understand, to an optimistic believer in a universe created and sustained by a loving God is crucial to me. But following Christ does not mean following His followers. Christ is infinitely more important than Christianity and always will be, no matter what Christianity is, has been or might become.”

To which Joy responded:

“Rice, like many or most (people) of various religions, confuses politics with faith, or worse, substitutes politics for faith.”

Which is correct.

Christianity is about believing in and following Jesus Christ. It is not about being a Baptist, or a Catholic, nor does it mean you are to sell all you own and give it to the poor, or vote for people that will do that for you and your neighbors.

You would fit right in there with Ms. Rice in your attempt to impugn others for holding political beliefs and making personal choices different than your own.


APG December 12, 2010 at 6:00 pm


If I could meet her in person, I would
love to say “Thank you Anne Rice –
for so very articulately stating what
I have felt in my heart for years” !!!!

One’s ‘Faith-in-Christ’ should IN NO WAY
be tied into the man-controlled ‘Religion’
that so many refer to as “Christianity”
(especially that apostate, psuedo-religious
political-movement called ‘evangelicalism’)

It took me forever to realize that my
relationship with God (as established
through Christ Jesus, God The Son) was
IN NO WAY dependent on the apostate
psuedo-religious movement sweeping
America in the name of the “church”.

If Christ were walking the earth today,
a lot of these same “religious” types
would be the first to demand that He
be ‘crucified’ — and based merely on
who He chose as FRIENDS (women,
gays, foreigners, immigrants, the poor,
the rejected, the downtrodden, the rich,
men, old, young, happy, sad, and so on).

The “evangelicals” (not to be mistaken
for TRUE FOLLOWERS of Christ) and
other “church” types have essentially
hijacked the Christian ‘Faith’ in order to
turn it into a mammon-worshipping,
power-mongering, “Religion” of hate.

These people are more akin to a system of
ANTI-CHRIST (i.e. “against”-Christ) than
to anything tied into WHO CHRIST IS.

Their evil has reached such profound levels
that even people who know and love Christ
are turned off from them and their words
(again proving these “church” types are
really nothing more than anti-Christ,
self-righteous Pharisees and are not
even remotely related to Jesus Christ).

Never again will I waste my time stepping
into the psuedo-religious social-club that
is known as “church” or associate myself
with the political-clique that is known as
‘christianity’ — because FROM NOW ON
— I realize that I do NOT “need” either
in order to have a relationship with MY
LORD JESUS CHRIST (in fact, those
two entities were actually ‘interfering’
with my relationship with God)

(no matter if rich, poor, gay, straight, male,
female, sickly, healthy and so on) — AND
CHRIST (not the so-called”church”) IS





“For God did NOT send His Son
into the world – to condemn
the world, BUT that the world,
THROUGH HIM, might be SAVED !!!!”

JESUS CHIST – and *not* the institution known
as “the church” or the religion called “christianity”




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