Moe Lane Has the First-Quarter Fundraising Totals.

by Little Miss Attila on April 21, 2009

It appears that the Democratic National Committee would be in trouble without its charismatic figurehead, and the RNC, as well as the two congressional committees, still needs our support.

What’s interesting to me is that the RNC is apparently forwarding money to the GOP congressional committees, which means lazy efficient Republicans have the option of one-stop shopping.

Moe’s got a chart and all. As he puts it:

Executive summary: the DNC needs the President to survive, the NRSC is continuing to hold steady, and while the NRCC is probably thankful that the DCCC is debt-ridden, it needs to get on the stick.

Overall, the Democrats raised more in the first quarter, but have less cash on hand and considerably more debt.

Looking at last month’s numbers, the thing that jumps out first is the debt levels: the DCCC spent a lot of its 2-to-1 advantage in fundraising on getting a handle on its existing debt, while the DNC/DSCC did not; meanwhile, the NRSC/NRCC are steadily drawing down. The NRCC is also reporting that it is increasing its efficiency levels and member participation. Neither are game-changers, but we have nineteen months to the midterms.

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Overall, how things look will largely depend on how partisan you are. Both Democrats and Republicans will find good things to see in these numbers; while normal people will . . . probably wonder why anybody went through the trouble.

Well, because . . . it’s money that matters.

[Here is where I would put the “It’s Money that Matters” clip if Randy Newman weren’t too stubborn to play that live. Instead, for your dining and dancing pleasure, I’ve got Mark Knopfler and the rest of Dire Straits, some girls singing backup, and a guy in a pink suit. But it has “Money” in the title, so it must be okay.]

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I R A Darth Aggie April 21, 2009 at 11:06 am

Republicans have the option of one-stop shopping

Yes, and apparently some of that will go straight to Arlen “I love porkulus” Spectre’s re-election bid.


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