The Official Little Miss Attila Verdict on the 007-Pelosi Video: Not Sexist.

by Little Miss Attila on May 23, 2009

No, I don’t think the idea of the video below was to call the Speaker of the House a “pussy,” though the final tagline does allude to the Pussy Galore character, and does indeed imply that Nancy Pelosi is on the wrong side here, having taken on the intelligence community in the aggressive fashion that she did. Ultimately, the video’s implication is the opposite of what we usually mean to communicate with the word “pussy.”

I think the idea was to make fun of her hubris. If anything, the opening shot of Pelosi frames her with the barrel of a gun, intrinsically comparing her (quite unfavorably) with the world’s most famous fictitious spy, James Bond. “She wanted to be a heroine,” the video says, “but she got flipped, and is now working against the intelligence community. Clumsily.”

This woman has placed herself squarely in the crosshairs—so to speak—of public scrutiny by lying badly about something that wouldn’t matter if she had not been pushing for “truth commissions” to criminalize the other side for taking actions that she clearly approved, and admits openly that she knew about as early as 2003. The likelihood is that she knew in 2002, but one doesn’t even need that to criticize her: several years passed before Pelosi said anything about waterboarding, which she claims she found outrageous when she first heard about it—whenever that was (2002-2003).

And now I am supposed to be outraged by supposed sexism on the part of the GOP?—the party that had a woman at the top um, second spot on its ticket in 2008, featured unprecedented female involvement in the last Presidential administration, and may well elect the first female head of state in this country? Say what?

In order to do that, am I expected to give the Democrats a pass on their over-the-top sexism toward Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Bill Clinton’s victims and mistresses, and—yes—Carrie Prajean?

What are they smoking? The President of the United States once made degrading remarks about Hilary Clinton’s menstrual cycles as part of his vicious primary battle against her; if the RNC is comparing Nancy to a femme fatale, that’s pretty small potatoes.

Alas, both AllahPundit and William Jacobson think the RNC shouldn’t have made the ad, since they should have known that it might be “distorted” by the opposite side. What are we permitted to say that cannot be distorted by the opposite side?

“It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood.”
—Karl Popper, by way of Gerard Vanderleun

Meanwhile, the Politico piece that initiated the charges of sexism with respect to the RNC reports that sexist attacks often backfire, as with the feminist followers that Obama lost after he began attacking then-Senator Clinton on the basis of her womanhood. This quote from Phil Singer, formerly of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, demonstrates that truth:

“As the degree of viciousness escalates and increases, I think women – and most people living in the modern era, including men – are more likely to rally to Sarah Palin’s cause,” he says.

He suggests that gender-based attacks can actually be the crucible within which a woman’s base of support is forged.

“Certainly nobody wants to be on the receiving end of this type of rhetoric, but in the long run I think it could end up making Palin a stronger national figure, and creating a real base for her,” he says.

Oh, wait. He was saying this about Nancy Pelosi, and Politico quoted him without looking at its implications for the current Party of Sexism.*

No sense of irony, those guys.

UPDATE: Darleen weighs in:

The RNC uses images and audio from 1964’s Goldfinger, where not only Bond but the CIA gets to play, to tweak Liar Pelosi and Hapless Gibbs. For a brief 3 seconds (at .40) SanFranGran is shown side-by-side with Bond villainess Pussy Galore, and all kerfuffle breaks loose.

That’s right, baby. And I’m supposed to put on the rhetorical handcuffs with the rest of ’em, and sell truth out to be the “bottom” in some cosmic game of B&D with the scribes of the Left.

And Goldstein adds:

Christ. Conservatives deserve to wander the wilderness so long as they continue to accept the premises that Democrats foist upon them, and then scurry around trying to fit their behavior inside parameters that have been defined for them by their ideological enemies.

Call me when “conservatives” are ready to get serious. Because as it stands, our high-traffic spokespeople seem content to play by the left’s rules while humping each other for traffic.

Hey. Why so cranky, Jeff? They’re just trying to be nice.

* Yeah; I stole that rhetorical device from Ace, who will be filing papers for the lawsuit soon, I imagine . . . but only because I’m a girl.

{ 5 trackbacks }

Weekend giggle: Pussy hysteria [Darleen Click] UPDATED x2
May 23, 2009 at 5:15 pm
It’s a PelosiPalooza and You’ll Never Guess Whose Side the MSM is On (Lots of Updates) : The Sundries Shack
May 23, 2009 at 8:13 pm
UPDATED: Convenient Outrage « The Rhetorican
May 23, 2009 at 10:47 pm
Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate’s Cove
May 24, 2009 at 6:25 am
Moe Lane » Be grateful the RNC didn’t call her ‘Miss Moneyspendy.’
May 24, 2009 at 10:47 am

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

David R. Block May 23, 2009 at 6:35 pm

You obviously get it. Allah not so much. It’s always good to see you at Jeff’s place (and it is good to come here, too).


Stogie May 24, 2009 at 8:01 am

Sounds like all of the pussies are not confined to the Democratic Party. We Republicans have a few ourselves and I thank you for pointing out the asininity of Allah’s response. Folks like this have been well trained to react in exactly the PC way that the Democrats desire.

I just read Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals” and he says the most potent political weapon you can use is RIDICULE. If you want your opposition to self-destruct, LAUGH AT THEM. The GOP Pelosi-Galore ad does exactly that. But once again, we have conservatives who want to shoot themselves in the foot and spoil the advantage we just gained. Pathetic.


Darrell May 24, 2009 at 7:26 pm

The folks that see “rats” when “Democrats” scroll to the Left see “pussy” when “Galore” hits their screens. More disturbingly, we are supposed to give a shit.

Stop making ads if you don’t want to offend anyone, stop shooting at your own if you ever hope to win. The Democrats lost everything until they won. We will win when we stake out a position consistent with our core beliefs and put up the candidates that will get it done– those that don’t spend a second thinking about hurting Democrats’ feelings.

Anyone who thinks that the following had anything to do with the Democrats’ victories in 2006 and 2008, should seek professional help–
Intellectual Honesty
Fair Play
Basic Human Decency
Putting America First
Representing Everyone

The ad is just fine, making use of the James Bond universal “spy” theme in reference to the CIA part of the controversy. Everything else is just consistent with that theme. Felix Lighter would have been a better choice if everyone hadn’t been just born yesterday. Maybe there’s a clip of Nancy saying something about MI6 during the Niger uranium affair to add to bolster the theme. Democrat whining(and that of their faithful servants in the media) indicates that you have hit the target. Sympathetic whining by right-wing bloggers indicates that it might be time to whittle down your daily reading selection.


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