The Village Voice Has Trouble with Jeff’s Goldstein’s Use of Big Words.

by Little Miss Attila on May 25, 2009

No, really.

Also, the fact that center-right bloggers sometimes disagree with each other only goes to show that they cannot, or do not, think. If they were into thinking, they’d all speak . . . with one Voice.

The rabid temperament of the [right-wing] political blogosphere can be confusing to the uninitiated. To better understand it, think of a large group of intellectually ambitious pre-teens, squared off in an endless debate festival. Also imagine that this festival is unsupervised and unmoderated, with no adults around to coach or keep score. In such an environment you would expect most of the participants to quickly lose sight of any long-term strategy, and seek only an immediate frisson of victory — which, in this free-wheeling environment, would mean positive feedback from one’s peers.

This isn’t all bad. It unleashes creative energy and animal vitality, and sometimes promotes talents which might not have thrived in a more structured environment. But because the overwhelming motivation is to hit back fast and hard at anything that seems to contradict one’s position, without a pause for anything like thought, it also encourages responses that might play well among one’s comrades, but might also be incomprehensible or even ridiculous to anyone else.

Well. Certainly to a writer for The Village Voice. But keep working on it! Someday, Roy Edroso, you’ll acquire reading comprehension—if only you apply yourself. You just want a bit of self-confidence, is all.

And Moe Lane is apparently makin’ all kinds of shit up about sexism among Democrats:

Lane later treats the unfortunate RNC ad comparing Pelosi to Octapussy from the Bond movie, or something — its point is not entirely clear. Even some rightbloggers and Republican politicians find the thing absurd, but Lane thinks it justified by the rough treatment liberals has dished out to Sarah Palin et alia — that is, “Personally, I’ll start taking said Left-outrage more seriously when they start reacting to attempted media rapes of conservative female public figures in any way besides helping to pin the victim’s shoulders to the table.” (He also says the Left “beat feminism to death with a tire iron as part of their winning Presidential election strategy,” though he does not elaborate — maybe defeating Hillary Clinton was Obama’s death-blow to feminism.)

And maybe is was Obama’s hateful rhetoric toward women that did it. Dealer’s choice.

Of course, there is that nerdy Goldstein guy and his hifalutin’ language:

In case you don’t get what the italicized passage means, Goldstein further italicizes: “It is well and good that the GOP be more careful about how it makes its point if the concern is that the point was not made effectively. It is NOT well and good to express ‘concern’ when the concern being expressed is that a completely predictable reaction by the left could negatively affect ‘not just the RNC, but candidates down the line.‘”

If that doesn’t convince you, go read the whole thing and try your luck. To the extent that we could salvage a point from it, it would seem to be that conservatives should not worry about the liberals’ “intellectually dishonest” response to their work, because… well, because it’s intellectually dishonest, we guess.

See, Roy? You shouldn’t have dismissed yourself out of hand that way: you can learn to read.

Someday, if you apply yourself, you might even learn to write.

UPDATE: I’ve been asked to document Obama’s contemptuous behavior toward women. I’m sure your neighborhood PUMA or Hill Buzz could provide a more complete list, but if you want to get a start, you might begin here.

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Instapundit » Blog Archive » NEOLOGIC SPASM: Village Voice chokes on Jeff Goldstein’s vocabulary. They’d better hope they never…
May 25, 2009 at 6:07 pm

{ 20 comments… read them below or add one }

Just Some Guy May 25, 2009 at 6:05 pm

“Some day”, you mean.


Peter May 25, 2009 at 6:11 pm

I could take this just a bit more seriously if I had not seen the Leftosphere screeching about how Bush was going to gin up an emergency and cancel the election. And the coordinated attacks on Governor Palin and Miss California.

As it is, I can only believe this clown has never once seen Oliver Willis or TPM or the Huffington Post or…


baldilocks May 25, 2009 at 6:21 pm

No hive mind on the right.


Hucbald May 25, 2009 at 6:33 pm

You almost made me click on a link to the Village Voice. I never would have forgiven you (Hey, I just woke up from a nap). Fortunately, my Status Bar alerted me in time.

I used to live and work around the Village. I never want to revisit the place. Not even virtually. Ever.


Bilgeman May 25, 2009 at 6:52 pm

Jeff Goldstein got written up in the Village Voice?

Way to go Jeff Goldstein!

Somewhere in East Nowhere, Oregon, De**rah Fr***h, Ph.D. just shat in her pants.


CGHill May 25, 2009 at 6:55 pm

Edroso gave me a drive-by once. I see his capacity for reading comprehension has not improved substantially in the two years since.


apb May 25, 2009 at 7:02 pm

Sorry –

Edroso’s not even qualified to carry Goldstein’s briefcase.


PapayaSF May 25, 2009 at 7:08 pm

Mr. Edroso is also not much for spelling and popular culture if he thinks “Octopussy” is spelled “Octapussy.”


Bil May 25, 2009 at 7:36 pm

I think what Roy is saying is that Jeff Goldstein is a bad writer, mainly because Jeff Goldstein is a bad writer. It really doesn’t have anything to do with vocabulary.


David R. Block May 25, 2009 at 8:25 pm

And Professor Reynolds has a bit more to say about their fact checking department. (What fact checking department?)


Little Miss Attila May 25, 2009 at 8:27 pm

Some Guy:

I’m going to stick with the colloquial on this one. But thanks for your assistance.



Alan K. Henderson May 25, 2009 at 9:03 pm

Pelosi is neither Pussy Galore nor Octopussy. Both eventually sided with Mr. Bond. Pelosi is the party of SPECTRE.

The GOP is the party of p_ssies galore. They let the Dems run spending policy ever since the government shutdown PR debacle at the end of 1995. They let the Dems control lower-court judicial nominations. And votes for the GOP dwindled over the years as a result. We don’t vote for capitulating wimps. We vote for people who fight for us.


Little Miss Attila May 25, 2009 at 9:13 pm

Yeah. But if it’s that bad we should be putting up candidates ourselves, if we don’t like the ones on the menu.

There’s a lot at stake right now.


happyfeet May 25, 2009 at 10:08 pm

ohnoes Mr. Bil…. that’s exactly backwards. Mr. Goldstein is a very good writer and BONUS… he has a lot to say. You’re just someone what likes to say mean things for no reason. You should teach public school.


Teach May 25, 2009 at 10:34 pm

I could take this just a bit more seriously if I had not seen the Leftosphere screeching about how Bush was going to gin up an emergency and cancel the election. And the coordinated attacks on Governor Palin and Miss California.

This made me recall the heights of stupidity the left demonstrated by Mrs. Norman Lear on the 2006 election, there was to be riots in the streets.

The nutroots wackos are a silly bunch.


Pete May 26, 2009 at 2:22 am

Slight correction. You seem to have forgotten to link up ‘hateful rhetoric toward women’ in your 5th paragraph. I’m sure it was just an oversight.


Mina May 26, 2009 at 4:58 am

I had forgotten about Mrs. Lear’s “riots in the streets” rhetoric. I love when the left calls us “rabid”

They are champions of projection.


I R A Darth Aggie May 26, 2009 at 5:01 am

But if it’s that bad we should be putting up candidates ourselves, if we don’t like the ones on the menu.

Yeah, that works.

Right up until the RNC starts backing primary candidates…


HeatherRadish May 26, 2009 at 5:58 am

I’ve been asked to document Obama’s contemptuous behavior toward women.

Start with “99 problems and a B— ain’t one.”


Little Miss Attila May 26, 2009 at 12:29 pm

“Right up until the RNC starts backing primary candidates…”

I had thought that was the NRSC. Did the RNC do it as well? The other side is that they took some heat for it, and it isn’t a trick they can get by with too much. I think they were trying to make sure the person who won the primary could win the election, and as a Californian I have some sympathy for that: our GOP here often puts up candidates who are far more conservative (depending on how one defines that word) to win in this state.

That doesn’t mean I condone the actions of the NRSC–only that I understand them.


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